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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still on book three.. Havent had a chance to read but



Finally got past the part where arya is being brought to Robb and Catelyn and I cant believe wtf just happened. Didnt expect Robb to die in this book never the less Catelyn. Still cant believe it


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I am surprised too. :D


You're rather calm about it, most people were raging at that point, throwing things and cursing at Martins direction. :D Well I love seeing people reach this point and then their reaction to it. I think this is the 4th or 5th time in this thread alone.


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I was on the train when I read it. I was more upset than angry, I had to stop reading for a few minutes to soak it all in. Then I re-read it at home to make sure I read it correct and it really happened.



I was disappointed with how Joffrey was killed too. Wanted to see that prick suffer. Its funny because as soon as that was all taking place I began to wonder wtf happened to Peter Bealish(sp) and then he pops back into the book. Im at the part now where my 2nd favorite character Jon Snow is imprisoned. If he is killed too then I officially hate this book :rofl:


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I was on the train when I read it. I was more upset than angry, I had to stop reading for a few minutes to soak it all in. Then I re-read it at home to make sure I read it correct and it really happened.



I was disappointed with how Joffrey was killed too. Wanted to see that prick suffer. Its funny because as soon as that was all taking place I began to wonder wtf happened to Peter Bealish(sp) and then he pops back into the book. Im at the part now where my 2nd favorite character Jon Snow is imprisoned. If he is killed too then I officially hate this book :rofl:


If you pop back a few pages to when I was reading ASoS - my reaction to the series of events there was PURE RAGE

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Yup, and that character is not the only one you will change your opinion of throughout the series. The characters evolve and change based on their decisions and events in their life. I have a different opinion of Theon Greyjoy than you probably do right now.


Dane - specifically since I'm in ADWD now



Holy shit.....yeah, now I feel bad for Theon. Fucking hell, what a fate...


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fuck school, i have like no time to read GoT. I get through like a chapter a day if I have time between classes. I'm still in that area of the book where not much happens in the bulk of the chapters and then he throws one thing in at the end to move the plot forward, like...

the Daenerys chapter where nothing happens except Viserys being choked and Daenerys being pregnant at the end

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  • 2 weeks later...

About 300 pages into ADWD



Now, this one has some interesting turns....looks like Tyrion's arc is picking up BIG TIME. Davos about to be executed by the Manderleys, Tyrion finds that Aegon is ALIVE and on top of that, gets captured in a whorehouse? Ooh...this is getting fun!


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About 300 pages into ADWD



Now, this one has some interesting turns....looks like Tyrion's arc is picking up BIG TIME. Davos about to be executed by the Manderleys, Tyrion finds that Aegon is ALIVE and on top of that, gets captured in a whorehouse? Ooh...this is getting fun!


Just finished the same chapter. Loving this book so far. I found I've been taking my time reading this, and I'm really enjoying it. I'll have it finished before Season 2 starts on HBO, but I think I might try to milk another month or two out of it before finishing it.

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Just finished the same chapter. Loving this book so far. I found I've been taking my time reading this, and I'm really enjoying it. I'll have it finished before Season 2 starts on HBO, but I think I might try to milk another month or two out of it before finishing it.


It's definitely got a better pace to it that aFFC. That being said, I'm almost afraid that the "major" events have already happened. The first 300 pages have held quite a few revelations here.

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It's definitely got a better pace to it that aFFC. That being said, I'm almost afraid that the "major" events have already happened. The first 300 pages have held quite a few revelations here.


Well it's taking place in the same time frame as AFFC, which I agree was a lot slower of a read (and much more boring, IMO), so the majority of the "major events" will happen in tune with this book, so they shouldn't really come at too much of a surprise.


Though I do think there will be a few curveballs (as always) by the end.

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