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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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my dinner. Made homemade chili today with onion, carrot, andoullie, chorizo, beef, black bean, green chilies, jalepenos, diced tomatoes, simmered for 3 hours. Secret ingedients are cinnamon and masa. Adds depth and thickens it up a bit.




I make that after my coffee every morning.

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Just got myself a little birthday present and bought my first hookah.


Really psyched. I've wanted one for years, and when I saw a high quality one for like 70 bucks, I couldn't pass it up. All the necessary accessories and it cost me ~95 total.


Not sure how to respond so I'll just leave you with this:



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Hah, I think you're a bit confused there, buddy. Hookah and hooker aren't the same thing.


I liked hookah, but I can't come to terms with doing that shit more than once a week, probably once every 2 weeks actually.


It's awesome when doing it with friends and just talking and having a beer on the side, but after awhile it just gets nauseating.


Plus, the amount of fumes you're putting in your system is disgusting.

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I liked hookah, but I can't come to terms with doing that shit more than once a week, probably once every 2 weeks actually.


It's awesome when doing it with friends and just talking and having a beer on the side, but after awhile it just gets nauseating.


Plus, the amount of fumes you're putting in your system is disgusting.


Oh, I'm 100% with you, once a week or once every 2 with friends and a beer. Ownership doesn't imply abuse :)

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