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Drew a Penalty

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About Drew a Penalty

  • Birthday 05/02/1997


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  1. Saying that Panarin and Zibanejad play on the same line, and not knowing that Goodrow is no longer on the team isn’t a great start. But let’s see if OP is just inattentive or truly just code.
  2. The issue with the Nash deal was when it was executed. They needed to make that trade at the 2012 deadline, not during the offseason. The main difference was the inclusion of Del Zotto while the Rangers would've kept Dubinsky. Losing both Anisimov and Dubinsky cut their depth in a way that necessitated trading Gaborik for replacements. There's a chance they do a bit better if they still had Dubinsky and cut Del Zotto loose sooner. You would also have Nash before Torts and Gaborik's situation went completely sour.
  3. Dan Boyle. The Rangers let go of Stralman, one of their best defensemen, so Sather could finally get one of his white whales. Boyle was cooked by the time he got here and forced the Rangers to use assets to get a replacement PPQB in Yandle. Boyle was a bad addition to a cup contender.
  4. They’ll trade him in a prospect swap midway through the season. His game hasn’t progressed in any meaningful way.
  5. Arizona somehow hired her full-time a few years ago. The Rangers should use their deep pockets to get her to leave consulting and join them.
  6. Good pull. https://nypost.com/2023/09/28/alexis-lafreniere-has-fresh-opportunity-with-rangers-top-line/ Rempe might get the same treatment then.
  7. Dawn Braid had been doing monthly skating sessions with Hartford this past season. If Drury/Martin could get her to work with Hartford, she'd probably making some kind of cameo during Rangers training camp. I'm sure Rempe also has someone he works with locally in Calgary.
  8. Mod Note Please only cite credible sources for any trade rumors or information
  9. I don't know enough about him, but I'll just say that the Black Book quotes don't paint a great picture. Seems like a project pick based on his athleticism.
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