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About jsm7302

  • Birthday April 17


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    NW NJ


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    Hockey, Music and the Great Outdoors


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    Rangers critic

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  1. Bread-Tro-Laf is the only bonafide line we have. Anything else is a crapshoot at this point. You'd have to think they want to shoehorn Smith onto Kreider and Zibs right. Othmann-Chytil-AnyonebutKakko for line three and our dynamite forechecking animalistic fourth line will be Cuylle-Brodzinski-Rempe. Fox and Lindgren as the top pair as you mention will be top minute getters. Then we will see Schneider and Miller take over the second pairing and I hope to see Zac Jones finally win over a role with Trouba on the third pairing. 3rd line RW....idk.
  2. Laffy sure looked like the next Manny Malhotra in his first couple seasons here, but alas he seems to have arrived. Just curious if he put extra work in.
  3. Just read an article that he is training with Kreider for the rest of the summer. Unfortunately I don't pay for Newsday and could only read the first paragraph. Makes ya wonder if Laffy, with all of his early struggles, did all this off season training to try and figure it out and it never made the press.
  4. Suns owner wants to help bring NHL back to Arizona 'one day' https://thescore.com/nhl/news/3043341
  5. The stat line says enough....disappointing. Thank God we got Steven Delisle though; silver lining....
  6. Name a D man on this squad that isn't a reason Igor is overworked. It seems they blow a coverage regularly. Watching Floridas smothering D made me jealous.
  7. Yea I get that. Fan favorite but maybe not worth the 5+ someone will inevitably give him.
  8. So is Lindgren gunna walk at the end of next year?! If we can't buy him now, how are we gunna do it next year?
  9. Othmann or Berard should be a lock for the roster next year. Will be interesting to watch the camp process play out.
  10. https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/new-york-rangers/latest-news/rangers-reportedly-expected-to-finalize-one-year-contract-with-ryan-lindgren Lindy on a one year .....bizarre....when they have a ton of work to do next off season already.
  11. Dude is built like a football player. Imagine the pure strength being held at bay by him. Laraque and Brashear were two bad dudes.
  12. It's a great question.....haha.....one that I didn't ponder too deeply ....
  13. Can we get a "The Dude" emoji in memory of?
  14. Report: Rangers unlikely to move Trouba this offseason https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/2940197 How do they normalize the locker room?
  15. Giving 8 mil to him is lofty at the 1mil/10 point standard. We have high hopes of course but I see his top at 7.5mil (71 points including playoffs). Gotta ask too....is his production partially due to playing with the best player on the team? 7.5mil/6 years.
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