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Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

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Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr last won the day on December 28 2019

Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr had the most liked content!

About Rizz GAWD Lav No Cap FrFr

  • Birthday 08/21/1989


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  • Interests
    golf, records, cars and photography


  • Occupation
    Marketing Manager

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  1. Dude, I never come on here and I’m so sorry I missed this. I would’ve reached out with my aunts experience, but that doesn’t matter now. I’m so glad you’re recovering, you and Amanda are fucking warriors and deserve all of the credit in the world. Keep going, we are all behind you and here for anything you need.
  2. This is easily our best assembled coaching staff since the Torts staff, and it seems like everyone took an honest assessment of what this roster needs when it comes to how the staff as a whole was assembled. I’m intrigued to see how this season differs from years past, but I’m also disappointed the two highest drafted players this organization has had in generations spent wasted years with the prior staffs. The rangers were happy to pick them, and content with hanging them out to fry with subpar coaching, especially during the pandemic when guys like Laf had no choice but to play in the nhl.
  3. do you just like hearing yourself talk? It’s like you don’t read the points being made against you. JFC.
  4. didn’t even know you were sick man, I’m glad to read this though.
  5. There's a better chance of no cap than a cap on second contracts lol.
  6. But again, I think this is arguing the wrong thing. I get it, we are talking in the moment, but realistically we should be focusing on why this system doesn't work, because it absolutely doesn't long term.
  7. You can't use Kuch as a market setter because he's very much the opposite. He's underpaid relative to his production. In the last full season this league had, he lead it in points and potted 41 goals, which was good for 6th in the league at that time, tied with McDavid and McKinnon. He's McKinnon light in terms of team friendly deals and should be making something closer to Panarin-McDavid.
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