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New York Yankees Thread

Blue Heaven

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Great sweep in Boston, but it's going to be tough to hold on to that first Wild Card spot. They have three games left with Toronto and Tampa Bay. Boston has Baltimore and the Nationals. The Yankees are basically going to have to win out at this point unless they get lucky, and I don't see that happening. Boston holds the tie-breaker.

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7 hours ago, Keirik said:

Watch them lose three to the blow jus. Foibtful but I would not be surprised

Agree 100%!  It would be typical of how this whole season went!  

...but you know it's probably gonna come down to the last day for this squad!  LOL

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The last time two Yankees hitters had a month like Stanton and Judge are having right now was Ruth and Gehrig back in 1931. Crazy. It can't be overstated how locked in Giancarlo is right now. That pitch he hit out last night was in the dirt. Huge props to Baltimore for pulling out a win against Boston, it puts New York in a really good spot now. Hopefully either Toronto or Seattle can surpass Boston for the other spot and knock them out entirely.

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Huge win last night...those guys are just feelin' it!  I was watching the game with no sound last night, Sharpy...what the hell happened with Taillon?

And it also looked like Stanton strained his leg or some shit on a ground ball he hit late in the game.  He simply CAN'T go down now!

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Ahh ok...I saw him get pulled, but I wasn't sure what the hell happened.

I think we'll be ok without him for a while.  We have Cole, Kluber, and I think German is ready to go again.

By the way, how good has Cortes been?  His stuff is NASTY!!!  ...plus we have Seve back, and he looks pretty damn impressive so far as well.

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7 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

The pitching has been mostly good all year. They have the lowest team ERA in the AL. Thanks, Matt Blake! Since Cortes adopted the turtle, now named Bronxie, they are 7-0!

Cortes has really been fabulous all year....kind of a secret MVP! 

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He really has. He went from being released by the team in 2019 after being kind of mediocre, to going to Seattle and bombing to re-signing with New York and basically being lights out. It's quite a story and he's really saved this pitching staff by just going out there and eating innings effectively.

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4 hours ago, Shane Falco said:

This stupid team never makes it easy lol. Pumped for the game.

Agreed. I’ll say this. I have zero faith in how this roster has been constructed for the last 5 or so years. If they don’t win it all, I want the entire front office gone from manager up. The real owner , god rest his soul, would never have standed for this mediocrity of playoff fails for so long considering how much they spend. 

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Agreed, Keith. This team needs a front office overhaul. Cashman, gone. Boone, gone. Levine, gone. Get rid of these assholes. Winning 92 games is cool if you're Toronto or Seattle, and rebuilding your team, but not if you're supposed to be a World Series contender. I think they can win in Fenway, but this offense is going to have to do something other than Judge and Stanton, because it's putrid. This is the worst offensive team they've had since the early 90's. Getting Severino back has already helped a strong pitching staff and King has looked really good too. However, I'm most worried about Cole. He has not been good since coming back from that injury.

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I'm holding my breath for this Wild card game. 

I mean, we kinda knew it was gonna come down to the last at bat of the last game and this squad barely squeaks in.  Cole hasn't been Cole since coming back, Sharpy, you're right, and Keith is dead on too;  George Steinbrenner would have buried his foot in the ass of this team at several points during the season.

I'm hoping Seve can help out, but asking this guy to come back after a 2 year layoff and be "the man" is a tall order.

I'm hoping for the best, and hoping Stanton stays hot for a while longer.  We'll see what goes down Tuesday!

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Lots of work to be done here, Big K!  Lots of decisions on who they're gonna go with at SS, 1B and also at Catcher.  I think they should consider a veteran manager that can manage a game that doesn't revolve around all Home Runs.

Gallo is probably history, and I'll bet Stanton finds his way into the OF for next season a lot more.

Needless to say a very disappointing outing for Cole and he's been underwhelming for the past few starts.  I'm actually not even worried about Cole because he's a top notch starter.  He just needs to make an adjustment someplace to get back his command.  I like the fact that he has no excuses and takes the blame on himself.  He's the kind of guy that'll come back next year and win the Cy Young.

Either way, they're still going to be a stacked squad for next season, and they'll be back....and better than this year, with more consistency.

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I think Cole has been pitching hurt for awhile. He hasn't been the same since coming back from that leg injury, and something is definitely still bothering him. That was a terrible pitch/call to Devers who plants it to center field which felt like the game was over in the sixth inning. Other than the guys on the big contracts, no one is invincible on this team. Gallo is under contract for another year, so I really don't see him not being on the Yankees next year, but we'll see. The management is what really needs to be changed, as has been said. I don't even totally dislike Cashman, but I just think things have gotten stale with this franchise and they need a new outlook and some new faces. I really don't see him going anywhere anyway. Boone and Thames should be first in line to get the ax.

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I agree, Sharpy.  Cole has not really been Cole as I know him...at least to my eye test.  That being said, I still have no issues with him.  He's a big game pitcher and is worth every penny they pay for him.  Even with this loss and bad showing, I'm not going to be deterred by this one.

Stanton showed me a lot this season and when that guy is on, there are very very few that can match up with him.

I don't think Boone is under contract going forward, so that one's kinda out in the open.  I just don't understand how a guy like Boone, who when he was a player, was one of the more fundamental type players...you know, bunt, sacrifice, hit and run, and also stole bases.  With this team, it was station to station play with basically no manufacturing of runs other than Home Runs. 

During that stretch when they were winning 13 games in a row, they did all the small ball things that won games.  With Squid and those 2 new outfielders in the game that weren't home run hitters (forgot their names at the moment), they were scoring and keeping pressure on the opposing pitcher and grinding out at bats, sometimes 8-10 pitch at bats!

It's all good man, they seriously have to make some changes and they'll be back again next season.  I'm looking forward to seeing what they pull of.  I'll bet there's gonna be some good choices though.  They're usually pretty good when they pull the trigger on stuff in the off season.

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