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Shane Falco

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Shane Falco last won the day on February 13 2021

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About Shane Falco

  • Birthday 11/06/1980


  • Location
    LI, NY

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Shane Falco's Achievements

BSBH All-Star

BSBH All-Star (11/14)

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  1. I asked him about this and he said it took him about a year to feel grounded after the adjustments in routine/lifestyle. The first 6 months were the most challenging because he had to stay on top of his meds and look out for specific things just in case. He mentioned that it was difficult at times to remember he had to take it easy for a while. He’s a pretty active guy so slowing down was an adjustment. But yeah, he said a year. To get into the flow of “a new way of living.”
  2. They just fired McDaniels and the GM. This tweet hurts my soul smh
  3. Not me, but one of my closest friends had a kidney transplant. His quality of life increased a great deal after the procedure for numerous reasons. Dialysis took a huge toll on his body and he was pretty much fed up with it when he recieved the call. Off the top of my head the most challenging part has been the side effects from the immunosuppressants he has to take. There are also certain physical activities he's had to give up or really dial down (was an avid climber) but he's adapted. Some weight gain and a little hair loss are also things he's learning to manage. If you have any particular questions you'd like to ask him, I can take it to him and get back to you. I'm glad to hear you've got a good support system around you (really important) You've got this, dude. Keep us posted.
  4. There’s not much to complain about LOL Rangers are adapting to a new system and the glimpses of what we’ve seen thus far gives fans a lot to be excited about. We can expect the process to be bumpy, but there’s lots of improvements to be happy about. I’m just happy to see the days of pond hockey are over. They still have tendencies to get too cute from time to time but a balance will come.
  5. Yeah. This team has been guilty of relying more on talent then hard work plenty of nights. I think it’s something laviolette is going to work out of them.
  6. Check the other ref into the boards.. accidentally on purpose.
  7. “Don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe to @philneedsfriends “
  8. No. And let’s not start with the bullshit. I’ll infract you all. That goes for you too @CCCP
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