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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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I don't care for that much, just another spoiled teenager dreaming of a princy Mr.Right. At start that is. That she still doesn't wake up after all what happened and stabbed her own sister in the back at the beginning of the series, those were the things I really hated about her.


Real Kudos (again) to the casting crew on Joffrey, I can't say it enough. The first time I saw his face I wanted to punch him, he hadn't said a word and still I hated him. lol Obviously because I knew what kind of person he is, still his facial expressions are amazingly fitting.


Really have to agree, the casting is flawless in this series...joffrey...arya...ned...tyrion...all of them are just perfect...

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Hmm, episode 8 had a great start but wasn't nearly as good as episode 7.


Again i never understood people that rate these kind of series/movies by episode to episode....it's one long story that is unfolded and cut into 10 pieces...it's the overall product that should be rated IMO. Ppl did the same thing with the Lord of the Rings movies and im like sigh....it's all just divided so we don't have to sit in the movies 10 hours or in front of the TV 10 hours...it's really just ONE LONG STORY...look at the whole picture....the episodes with less action and more personal stories are as important for the whole story as the action filled or shocking episodes...its all stones part of the same wall, you can't remove any of them or it all comes down.

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Yea, that's exactly what I would do if I had 3 weeks off.. Spend it reading books TV shows I watch are based on.




you just said you hated reading though so obviously you wouldn't.


i'm not a reader at all, but i managed to read the first book like 5 times. i used to have them all but i have lent them out so many times i'm only left with a copy of a clash of kings that's in 4 pieces and a bunch of loose pages.


i really want nice hard cover copies of the whole series.

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I can't wait for Joffrey's death. I hope he begs and pleads and suffers. What a piece of shit!


If there is any more proof he is an insane asshole: *minor spoiler* He orders his knights to beat up Sansa regularly. Propaply why he wanted Ser Barristan gone (the old knight of the kings guard), cause that man would have had to much honor to allow this.

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