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Mike should've been fired earlier, maybe fired along with Bowles in order to make a change in the organizational structure. But does anyone have the sense to trust Chris Johnson to make the right decisions as far as a good management team is concerned? The Jets got rid of one problem but put out more problems in their wake.


Three words to be lucky for; Synder and Haslam


NOT AT ALL !!!!! The worst part is how this will impact the development of Sam Darnold with this idiot Gase. The Jets finally get what appears to be a good QB and are now screwing it up. Back up the clown cars to Floraham Park and pile the clowns in. Does anyone in the Jets organization realize how incompetent they look ? SHIT SHOW !!!!!! I have no problem firing Mac, but needed to go out with Bowles. The usual half ass Jets.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Humiliating time to be a Jets fan.it sucks. I understand not to expect much with a third string QB but this is hard to take. Gase,while not all to blame definitely hasn't done many good things ,even with a scrub qb,this guy is supposedly and offensive guru.

If Sam comes back and this shit is still happening after 3-4 games I hope he gets canned, don't want my franchise QB to be poisoned again.


Yes,thats what I said,I mean it's a third stringer that never made it off practice squad,I'll give Gase some time with Darnold but all signs haven't been encouraging regardless.

Gase had same shit in Miami,all the phins fans down here saying"Told you so".

Yes,thats what I said,I mean it's a third stringer that never made it off practice squad,I'll give Gase some time with Darnold but all signs haven't been encouraging regardless.

Gase had same shit in Miami,all the phins fans down here saying"Told you so".


told you so :p

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