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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Worst. Episode. Ever. The amount of stupid is way too high this week. I am seriously baffled by the decisions they made here. Did they even read the script twice or why didn't they notice all the dumb stuff?



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Like, why the hell is Tyrion of all people chained to a wall and not Jorah?

Why can Jorah just walk out and join the fighting?

Where did that saw come from for Tyrion to saw his chains and why the fuck does that big guy cut him loose?


Who the hell had the Idea of the badly contructed scene with Sam and Gilly ending up having Sex? Why the hell is Ghost still at Castle Black to save the day Lupus ex machina.


Not to mention that dumb scene with the Sand Snakes and Bronn. So the poison needed her to make him horny to work? And of course she still has the antidote...


I even debate that sending Jon is a stupid idea, cause he leaves all his enemies behind, but at least that could be explained with him doing something stupid.


Pressing 10 Plotlines into one episode didn't help either.

In the end, about the only parts I liked involved Cersei.

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Like, why the hell is Tyrion of all people chained to a wall and not Jorah?

Why can Jorah just walk out and join the fighting?

Where did that saw come from for Tyrion to saw his chains and why the fuck does that big guy cut him loose?


Who the hell had the Idea of the badly contructed scene with Sam and Gilly ending up having Sex? Why the hell is Ghost still at Castle Black to save the day Lupus ex machina.


Not to mention that dumb scene with the Sand Snakes and Bronn. So the poison needed her to make him horny to work? And of course she still has the antidote...


I even debate that sending Jon is a stupid idea, cause he leaves all his enemies behind, but at least that could be explained with him doing something stupid.


Pressing 10 Plotlines into one episode didn't help either.

In the end, about the only parts I liked involved Cersei.


Tyrion was chained because he wasn't there to fight. Same reason Jorah wasn't. He had to get armor on and clean and prepare his weapons. Presumably there was no way to escape except into the fighting pit. Tyrion had a file it looked like to me. Probably to sharpen weapons. I don't know why that guy freed him other than they needed a quick way to advance the story line.


Agree about the sex scene with Sam. The scene works without it. John going north is in the books. One of the few things they are sticking to.


Not sure where the Sand Snakes stuff is going. Whether it's worthwhile or not remains to be seen.


The Ramsey, Reek, Sansa stuff was good. So was the Stanis army scene as far as advancing that story line. And where they are going with Kings Landing works for me.


It was a disappointing episode because it was a transition one. Moving pieces on the board. With the number of story lines, it takes almost twice as long to setup conflicts across the entire series. They should try to better balance it even as these types of episodes are sometimes necessary.

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Sam and Gilly had sex in the books, you know...No one remembers "fat pink mast"?

The Bronn stuff with whatever Sand that was makes sense in my head, assuming that under the consolidation for the show Bronn takes the place of Arys Oakhart and whichever Sand (does it actually matter?) takes the place of Arianne. No spoilers in here so I'll leave it at that.


I dont know why that guy freed Tyrion though. One slave helping another?

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Regarding the Sand Snakes that's more about execution than the matter itself. It's done so poorly.

Same with Sam, may have been in the books, execution of the scene was bad.


And I really don't remember Jon going North, can't have been that big a thing as it is here.

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I actually really liked the episode. It finally feels like the show is going somewhere this season. It was a lot of the same people in the same place. I didn't always love the execution of it, I'll give you that, but all in all... good. Maybe the second best episode of the season for me.


I felt like Sansa getting in the jab about bastards was excellent, only to be torn down by the woman's death and Reek's betrayal. That was really powerful after what happened last week - which I felt was a completely unnecessary scene and could've been handled a lot better production wise - but it shows she's getting into the game and her taking whatever that sharp object was, seems like a thing to remember.


The scene with Bronn was dumb and the gratuitous nudity made me laugh, but Myrcella being stone cold to Jamie made me laugh harder. She's such a teenager and has no idea of the truth here. That makes her puppy love with the Dornish kid so much better and a crucial turn.


The whole Tyrion-Jorah-Dany moment was stupid. So they get bought by a random fighter trader, who kills off his own men amongst each other in front of a crowd of a dozen people, making no money, and right when the queen randomly shows up, oh myyyy, Jorah is there to impress her and Tyrion waddles into the screen with a funny oneliner to give Jorah a chance to make things right. It was tacky, it was weird and felt cheaply scripted. In a world full of twists and turns, this suddenly came together perfectly in a matter of two scenes. Dumb.


Cersei though, that's a great turn. Shit's about to go down between the fanatics and everybody else and obviously Tommen, that dumb little twat. God, he annoys me so much with his naive behavior. What a dipshit. He makes me long for Joffrey. At least Joffrey stood for... something.

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I'm with everyone else here.. Didn't like the jorah/tyrion part of the episode at all.


Didn't mind the scenes with Sansa, cersei or little finger. The stuff with bronn was unnecessary but I'll never complain about nudity so whatever.


This has to be the slowest season yet but I guess that was expected since this is the slowest part of the books as well.

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There was bound to be an episode or two like this this season. They're in a tough spot where they have to cover 2 books that don't really go anywhere. The episode felt rushed but I think it just kinda had to be that way.
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Fantastic episode last night. Definitively made up for the last few set up episodes. Perhaps lost in the epic battle was how good the Tyrion/Danny banter was.


It was actually my favorite part of the episode. Ever since I go to the part of the books where Tyrion essentially begins to make the journey to see Dany I have been dying to see what their interaction would be like. Had to wait for the show to get there first haha


But I cant deny the entire scene with the white walkers was amazing. The sword fight between Jon and the white walker and then seeing them jump off the cliff, crash into the ground and then get up was borderline horror-creepy and flippin awesome.

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Game of Thrones showrunner Dan Weiss spoke to EW about the sequence, and how it ties the show’s exploration of fanaticism. “Horrible things happening to people in this show, and this is one that we thought was entirely [narratively] justified,” Weiss said. “It was set-up by the predicament that Stannis was in. It will be awful to see, but it’s supposed to be awful.”


When I asked Weiss the question that fans surely have tonight: “How could you do that to Shireen?” Weiss philosophically noted you could “flip that question” into a larger debate about how we’re all highly selective about which characters deserve our empathy. Stannis has been burning people alive for seemingly trivial reasons since season 2, yet we’ve still tended to regard him as a great leader—at least, by Westeros standards.


“It’s like a two-tiered system,” he noted. “If a superhero knocks over a building and there are 5,000 people in the building that we can presume are now dead, does it matter? Because they’re not people we know. But if one dog we like gets run over by a car, it’s the worst thing we’ve we’ve ever seen. I totally understand where that visceral reaction comes from. I have that same reaction. There’s also something shitty about that. So instead of saying, ‘How could you do this to somebody you know and care about?’ maybe when it’s happening to somebody we don’t know so well, maybe then it should hit us all a bit harder.”



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That was really tough to watch regarding Shireen. Took me back to some of the most disturbing scenes that played out on OZ, if you watched that series.


That being said the ending was totally awesome. If the other two dragons weren't in chains the hole harpy uprising would have been ended right there.


Chess pieces are really moving now. Hate the fact that we will most likely have an epic cliff hanger next week but what can you do.


the whitewalker episode was my total fav of the series. next week will have a hard time topping it.

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This completely misses the boat on why the Shireen thing was so horrible. It isn't simply the fan's fondness for her character although of course that comes into play, but it's a father and mother (at first) willingly burning their child alive in order to further their own goals. So to use the dog getting hit by a car analogy, this would be the difference between seeing some random dog getting hit by a car verses seeing someone run over their own dog intentionally.

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I actually think what it did most effectively is display why the seven kingdoms cannot be lead by a man like Stannis — he's too by the book. Too focused on "right" (as in "my right"). Simply put, he operates by the letter of the law, always, and no one can effectively and justly rule this realm in this manner. It just cannot be done. It's not a math problem. You have to have a combination of stoicism, wit, humor, strength, cunning, compassion, etc.


The only thing Stannis has is pure military tact. Everything for him is a battle in which he has to play pieces in order to win. He gives no thought, or little thought to the cost of his decisions.


I forget if it was through an interview or on the show, but there was a line about how the seven kingdoms need someone to lead them who is not as cruel as Joffrey, or as hard as Stannis. Maybe it was Varys?

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