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Slobberknocker last won the day on June 24 2021

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About Slobberknocker

  • Birthday 10/09/1966


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    2 feet south of the blueline

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  1. You don’t win a cup on July second. Sorry but the instant gratification on this board is something else. It’s pretty clear Drury has a plan. LAF looks like the next leader and paramount will be having dough to lock him and and Schneider up. The Trouba situation will play itself out unless u want to see a Mcdounagh type trade.
  2. Amazing how somewhere along the way CK forgot how to throw a check. He got punked the end of last game as well
  3. Fact is there a bigger stronger more physical team. they have just as much offensive talent, quickness and a very very good goalie There’s a lot of hockey left but it’s what I feared at the beginning of this series. they are getting bullied out there a little bit and they are just coddled by the organization regardless of who wears a sweater It’s not over but I have yet to see them display any kind of guts in this series. frankly that it’s 3-2 is even surprising
  4. treat other posters on this board with respect. you should try it sometime.
  5. Way to hijack the thread. I didn’t even have to see the name I knew it was you
  6. When asked why they moved his locker next to messiest nedved said maybe he wants to see my gold medal classic
  7. I love the optimism on this board but come on guys we’re ranger fans this things going seven That team for checks like a motherfucker and they are very hard to play against this is going to be a really hard fought physical series they have some really world class scorers, big time goalie and a really solid blue line. Prepare for another two weeks of agonizing mental torture Still in the end I think we prevail which will be a good thing because what awaits in the west is going to be no easy task. Wouldn’t have it any other way
  8. i just keep going back to who is going to speak up in this locker room. this franchise just coddles the shit out of its players. no one ever seems uncomfortable. no sense of urgency. They are getting out hit too. never thought carolina could do that to them but sevechnikov is running around unchecked out there.
  9. Yup. Spot on. It’s easy to see how strong the locker room is when you blaze through the first seven games. Now you get to see what they made of
  10. canes had there game. this ends tonight. i'd start rempe and wreck them along the boards where they seem comfortable shooting at igor. j/k. i think they just take care of business behind a pumped up n.y. crowd that smells blood.
  11. vally's on point in the post game. the canes shooting from the perimeter so often is almost gold for igor. gets to see nice clean shots which puts him right on his game. also pointed out zero adjustments for the canes. feels like we're facing AV a bit.
  12. Goal scorers goal to win it this is the calmest I’ve ever been watching the rangers in the playoffs this team is something to behold
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