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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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yea i usually wait for shows to be at least a good 5-10 episodes in before i watch them. i hate having to wait a week to see what happens next.


this show is just too good not to follow along though.


I know, i was thinking about doing the same and wait a bit but i know how great the story is from reading the books and after watching one single episode it was like no way in hell could an episode of this be on and I'm not watching it. Just can't do it. Too good.

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Oh how I hated the end *lol*, curse your fucking honor Eddard Stark. Would it really been so bad to do what Renly suggested? Now Cersei rules and the realm will be chaos.


The scene in with Littlefinger and the whores really was stupid and as I guess meant to prepare the audience for his treason, but needless sex-scene again.

The scene with Jaime and his father was better, allthough not in the book as I remember, don't know why a lord would cut a deer himself though, in his own tent as well. lol

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Oh how I hated the end *lol*, curse your fucking honor Eddard Stark. Would it really been so bad to do what Renly suggested? Now Cersei rules and the realm will be chaos.


The scene in with Littlefinger and the whores really was stupid and as I guess meant to prepare the audience for his treason, but needless sex-scene again.

The scene with Jaime and his father was better, allthough not in the book as I remember, don't know why a lord would cut a deer himself though, in his own tent as well. lol


i never thought i'd say this, but those are actually starting to bother me. they really cheapen the story. littlefinger is supposed to be a little shady, but there's no need for him to come out and say. it works better if he just goes a long seeming like a friend until the end of the episode.


i think the whole tywin gutting the deer is obviously in your face symbolism as well as a way to show you that he doesn't fuck around. i liked that scene even though it wasn't in the book. up until then he's just a name, it's a good introduction.

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Yeah, the Tywin scene didn't bother me, I liked the symbolism of the Lannister-Lion cutting the fur of the Baratheon-deer. Add the words of Varys about Lancel supplying Robert with wine and I think many people got that Robert was murdered by Lions, not a boar.


When that Littlefinger-scene started I went into the kitchen and hoped it would be over when I returned :D, sadly it wasn't and I agree there was no need for him to speak about his reasons and his treason yet. Reduced the shock of his actions.

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