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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I hate small gifts, this lady at my job asked me for a favor and made me work an extra half hour (yes I even got paid for it), and I had no problem doing it last night (5:00 pm to 5:30pm) and today she hands me a box of ferrero rocher's. If you didn't know what they were, they are hazelnut chocolates.


I feel bad, does anyone ever get that feeling like they don't really deserve it and you just want to hand it back?


Shaddup and eat the damn candy.

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I just ran into my ex and her new boufriend at the mall they saw ne and both looked down i wa getting ready for him to say something so i can rock him but he looked right down wouldnt look me in the face hahaha and he is like 4 times the size of me and im alil fat :rofl: :rofl: def just got my closure and a nice laugh while i was there!! :D
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Instead of Santa Clause a lot of Dutch families celebrate St. Nicolas Day. That is Monday (December 5th), so most of us are doing the gift-giving this weekend.


I am very grateful the old saint gave me a bottle of Gentleman Jack. :cool:

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Just went to Burger King for the first time in a year and a half. The girl in the drive thru window was sooo cute... way too hot to be working in a Burger King. How the fuck do you ask out a chick at a drive thru window? hah


Ask if she wants to get some McD's after work.

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Just got back from Pennsylvania. What an ordeal last night was. My dad tripped in a church parking lot (ironic, right?). There were no lights on and he did not see the parking spot divider. Got some pretty bad cuts on his face, hands, and one knee, and sustained a broken nose. In the hospital for nearly five hours because things move at a slower pace out there. He sat in the waiting room bleeding for three hours before they even cleaned up his cuts. Then, when we checked out, the car began to stall and we were in for the ride from hell. Finally got to the hotel, and needed the car towed today. All rental car places were closed because its Sunday, so we were crammed in the back seat of the truck. Vacation from hell. I never want to leave NJ again. God, I need a drink...
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Hey is 81 dollars a month for unlimited text 450 mins of calling and 4GB of data on VZW a good deal? I need to get my own plan so I was wondering if 81 a month, after my company discount sounds like a good deal.


You've got to be freaking NUTS to go through 4GB of data. I'm abusive and I barely go through 1GB/mo

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You've got to be freaking NUTS to go through 4GB of data. I'm abusive and I barely go through 1GB/mo


I do around 2.25 and can get up to around 3.5 to 4 on heavy months. Att throttles the shit out of me after a certain point though. :rolleyes:


I have the worst insomnia right now... Still haven't gone to bed, and I have class in 6 hours. :banghead:

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So as many of you know I started working out heavily last week and being more vigilant of what I eat.


Anyway, Saturday was my third consecutive gym day. I had already exhausted all options except abs, but my legs felt good to go for a second round.


I totally destroyed my hip flexors. Can't freaking walk.

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