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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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yup, the wall separates 2 completely different kinds of crazy shit




hmm shit, just read a review that pointed that that was Doreah who was in bed with Xaro. Totally missed that/forgot about her. Surprised Dany locked her in the vault with him, though.

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Episode 9 had great action, but this episode was absolutely fantastic. I loved everything. I don't agree with everything, but so many ideas, questions, cliffhangers and new set-ups. The one issue I have is that it is less of an ending than last years season. This was effectively just wrapping up some little endings and dropping a bomb.


Meh, the episode and season were great, but the cliffhangers are a little too big for a season finale.

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Episode 9 had great action, but this episode was absolutely fantastic. I loved everything. I don't agree with everything, but so many ideas, questions, cliffhangers and new set-ups. The one issue I have is that it is less of an ending than last years season. This was effectively just wrapping up some little endings and dropping a bomb.


Meh, the episode and season were great, but the cliffhangers are a little too big for a season finale.


That's kind of how I felt, too. It was a great episode, had me going along, and definately left me wanting more, but I feel like a season finale has to deliver more as well. Most of the characters found resolution to their journeys across the season. I thought the balance could have been shifted properly by giving John Snow's arch more finality and then ending with the white walkers at the wall. Obviously, I don't know what awaits his meeting with the king of the wildlings, but I think we should have seen that to complete his arch for this season.

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That's kind of how I felt, too. It was a great episode, had me going along, and definately left me wanting more, but I feel like a season finale has to deliver more as well. Most of the characters found resolution to their journeys across the season. I thought the balance could have been shifted properly by giving John Snow's arch more finality and then ending with the white walkers at the wall. Obviously, I don't know what awaits his meeting with the king of the wildlings, but I think we should have seen that to complete his arch for this season.


There's one reason Jon didn't meet the King Beyond the Wall - Mance Rayder hasn't been cast yet!

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There's one reason Jon didn't meet the King Beyond the Wall - Mance Rayder hasn't been cast yet!




Make it happen!

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For those football fans....




MARTIN: I do get invitations all of the time to play actual fantasy football, by the way, but I get the feeling that I'd like it too much. I have enough demands on my time. My fans would kill me.

SI: Yes, your fans are known to be very... anxious. If you had to bet, which will happen first: Your next book is published? Or your Jets win a Super Bowl?

MARTIN: Probably my next book.


SI: What about the families: Are the Starks, say, the Green Bay Packers?


MARTIN: Whenever I propose analogies like that, fans jump in with their own ideas, but it depends on what team you root for. To me, the Starks are heroes, so they would be the Giants.



Read more

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Mance starts a whole new chapter. It's best he not meet him until Season 3.


I get the issue that he's not cast yet, but even having him meet a shadowy figure or something like that, the back of the guy's head where you see Jon in front of him, or what ever, still has more journey's end kind of thing than just looking out over a cliff. Most of the other characters didn't have a full on conclusion, they just had an obvious turn in their story. Danny got her dragons back. Arya is free and heading home. The young Stark boys are heading for the wall. Tyrion is alive, back to his black sheep role and his whore still loves him. Robb gets married. Theon has lost Winterfell. Jeoffry is marrying what's her face, Sansa stuck around and my guess is will be whored out by Little Finger. Stannis was defeated but hasn't given up. Etc, etc. They've all gotten through their current season's adventure and moving on to their next one.


Jon is looking out over a cliff. There's no transition there.

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I agree! So many story lines tread water this season with no real advancement or change.


Also, in the second to last episode you see Stannis captured being hauled away.. and then in this episode he's home and free.. how? Or was he being pulled away by his own men?

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Make it happen!


No, won't fit in my opinion.


I liked the season finale, though it had some weaker scenes, it also had some epicness.

Though the White Walkers scene should have been done in the dark. :)

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