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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Source? can't find anything on it, except that the names of 3 episodes were leaked and afaik HBO made a point in NOT sending out episodes for review this year.


Source = I've watched them. Not trying to be cheeky, but they haven't leaked on the obvious pirating junkets.


As for not sending them at all, that = false. Just more selective.

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At first I was so excited all those years ago when I found out the show was coming out. Now it's starting to wear on my nerves a bit. Aside from some obvious deviations from the books, I HATE the idea of the show spoiling the ending for me because George RR Martin is too busy writing some bullshit sci-fi thing that nobody gives a flying fuck about. And no, it's not because I want to be that guy and know what's going on when nobody else I'm watching it with does. It's because up until this point, Martin has done an absolutely MASTERFUL job crafting a backdrop of intrigue and mystique.


There are so many little, continual references throughout the series that haven't been specifically addressed at any point, but still continue to pop up like tires in a landfill. And much of the fun has been, for me at least, in brooding over the meaning of these references and trying to anticipate where the next novel installment will go. I would argue that not since the Bible has any one literary series sparked so much spirited debate and informed speculation. When asked if the show would "spoil" the books for anyone, George RR Martin remarked "yes and no." The difficulty here is that something like the ending of the entire series CANNOT be different and still be true to Martin's vision. Like, go ahead and change Asha Greyjoy's name to Yara for all I care, but a major plot point like how the series closes would almost have to be consistent across both the books and the series.


Part of what bothers me too is how much the TV series has actually cut out. Maybe they were right to do it, and some of the other stuff would've been boring. But there are entire parallel storylines going on that just plainly weren't addressed. THAT'S why the series has sped right past the books. And so I find myself with two options: quit being a bitch and just go with the flow and watch the series and try not to let it ruin the magic and mystery of ASOIAF, or try to remain in media blackout until Martin finishes releasing the books. I think the latter is nigh impossible, especially since he's taking his dear sweet time writing them.


I don't know, maybe it's for the best. He's not exactly young, nor is he in great health. There's every chance in the world that he never actually finishes the written series. I remember reading/hearing once upon a time that the series was originally intended to be a trilogy, and that where we are now with the books is only about where he originally intended Book 2 of the trilogy to get to. That means, at minimum, probably at least another 2-3 books. Maybe it's better that we'll at least get SOME ending/closure, unsatisfying though it may be.

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Premier was kind of soft, even though quite a bit happened. I think maybe that was a combination of pacing and expectations. The episode kept setting up and knocking down the right pins.


Some were expected (spoiler even though it aired, since many DVR here):





John Snow still dead. Not unexpected, as given all the talk from the cast, writers and producers, you kind of knew this wasn't going to be an almost dead or dead and then instantly back to life situation. Still, we also know that Snow will be brought back. Too much doesn't make sense without that.


Arya finishing up her training blind. No big shocker there.


Jamie and Cersei back together and ready to take on the Sparrows.


Brienne of Tarth rescues Sansa at the last moment (and Theon).


Danny would end up being sent to where all widows of Khals go, Vaes Dothrak






Others probably not:





The Sand Snakes kill Doran to take over Dorn


Melisandre is really old, I mean, really, really, really old.





So there you have an episode that didn't begin until 9:10 PM EST, covered most of the remaining story archs a couple times each, and only hit a couple of surprises, one not till the absolute end. All felt very neat and orderly.

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Did anyone else get the sensation that that episode just FLEW by? I was just getting in to it and then the credits pop up. Although I guess as AmericanJesus said, it was a shortened episode. But seriously, when the credits came up I thought a half hour had gone by.

Yep, felt the same way.


GoT does a lot of these sort of catchup episodes, but they never seem as dull and dragged out as other shows. This was a first episode that simply sets up storylines for the rest of the way. I'd imagine that the pace will pick up a bit in episode 2, and then really pick up in 3.

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Yeah, like you guys, I felt it was quite well done to bring every plot back to our attention. It barely needed the "what happened before" intro actually, because it instantly touched on all the plots we care about. Loved a lot of scenes. They didn't feel momentous, but they might've been.


Just glad it's back. :)

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They were spirited away by the "we can't have someone kill dogs on this show" magic. Remember the outrage in season 1, when Ned had to kill Sansas direwolf?


Eh, they killed Rob's direwolf in Season 3.

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I am amazed how Lords get killed now left and right an no one bothers or even really plans for it.

A bit cheap imo.

With the time constraints of the show, and the fact that both were pretty ancillary to begin with, they had to be quick to move the storylines forward. I thought the show did a good job to move through those events quickly, rather than drag out stories that don't have anything to do with the main plots.

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