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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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The kill count for this episode was insane. I thought they handled the Battle of Winterfell really well. It just makes me wonder where half of Stannis' men fucked off to though. You can't just lose 1000 men.


Jon isn't dead though. I can't believe that he would be. The Red Lady has to get her magic working because she clearly didn't get it going for Stannis. Poor Shireen likely sacrificed for nothing.


Truthfully I don't think any of the off camera deaths were actually deaths. Why not show Stannis die? I'm not sure about Sansa and Reek, but it wouldn't be a bad ending for either of them to go out. I don't think they'd kill them off though at least not yet. This is Game of Thrones though so fuck logic. Myrcella though. Yeah she's fucked.

i was thinking the same thing about Jon and the lady in red.
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I will say this much regarding off-screen "deaths"... in the world of Game of Thrones, unless you see it happen, assume it didn't.


So that means the fates of Stannis, Jon, Theon, Sansa and even Myrcella (though she's probably dead) are all TBD.


The only characters who absolutely died are Meryn and Selyse.

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Myrcella is likely dead because there's also no reason to keep her around. Her survival wouldn't really mean anything while her death would mean far more. Cersei is going to go on a rampage.


As for the actual main characters I don't believe they're dead until there's confirmation. Jon is dead, but it's just a matter if he remains that way.


I'm also expecting Littlefinger to start his takeover pretty soon. He's got a throne without heirs, a defeated Stannis Baratheon, and an assumedly weakened Boltons. Seems like a good time to make a move. Unless they want to throw a curveball and have Balon Greyjoy, Champion of the War of Five Kings, make a magical reappearance.

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Exactly and now the Lannisters have a prisoner in Trystane.


I feel badly for Doran because he means so well, but psycho bitch Ellaria always has to be fucking shit up.


But also why not just turn the boat around? They were like maybe five minutes out when Myrcella went down. Just turn the boat around, go to Doran and be like what the fuck?

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Exactly and now the Lannisters have a prisoner in Trystane.


I feel badly for Doran because he means so well, but psycho bitch Ellaria always has to be fucking shit up.


But also why not just turn the boat around? They were like maybe five minutes out when Myrcella went down. Just turn the boat around, go to Doran and be like what the fuck?


Well, we don't know if they did or not. They probably didn't, but we also have no idea of how Jamie handled it. A grieving father may not have been in his best state of mind to think "I only have a few minutes to figure this out". He may not even realize she was poisoned.

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What I find interesting is that all things sort of remain the same from the start of season 5 to the finish. The Boltons still rule the north, Lannisters in Kings Landing, Dany's in Mereen. Stannis, a three time loser goes down for the count.


Dany's with the Dothraki are an interesting set up. If she can get them to join with the castrated guys she will have one hell of an army, assuming Tyrion can get Mereen under control.

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Dany's with the Dothraki are an interesting set up. If she can get them to join with the castrated guys she will have one hell of an army, assuming Tyrion can get Mereen under control.


I'm not so sure they're going to support her as much as they're going to capture/want to kill her...

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The Dothraki respond to power, not blood-lines or right. I have little doubt that Jhaqo will try to kill and/or rape Dany. I also have little doubt that Drogon will fiercely defend his mother. She didn't travel far from where he slept, so he won't have to travel far to do so.


In short, I see it going down with very few words and the attempted assault/rape of Dany, only for Drogon to capture the eye of the Dothraki horde, giving pause to the assault just for a moment. A moment long enough for him to burn Jhago alive, and probably eat him.


What better way to effectively take control of a Dothraki khalasar than to kill their leader in front of them? The entire horde would effectively bow before her. She could then ride with them back to Mereen (where Tyrion is attempting to restore order), effectively bolstering her ranks from the number of Unsullied she's lost to the Sons of the Harpy.


Or fuck it — maybe he does take her captive for a short while while Drogon recovers. Maybe it's Jorah and Daario that find her? She left her ring for them to find, most likely. Either way, she's taking control of that khalasar. Whether it's in episode one or ten.

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Agreed Phil. She takes control one way or another. I think it will be the dragon.


This also gives her more power in mereen and finally gives her a large enough army to go to westeros. (Assuming she can get boats).


Danys story has always been my favorite and it has always frustrated me the most because of how slowly it moves along (or seems to move along maybe). She's no where near westeros so hopefully that means next season her story progresses a lot. (assuming she ever gets to westeros)

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Season was pretty mild mannered and then the last 3 episodes may have been the best of the series.


I hold out hope that we see more Jon snow.

Yea. I think that's just a consequence of having so much ground to cover this season. They really had to do it that way.

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