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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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I found last nights' episode to be painfully boring, to be honest. The final battle/fight scene was sweet, but it was a lot of "along the journey" stuff. Felt like total filler.


At least there were two more scenes supporting a certain theory with Little Finger's history lesson for Sansa and Stanis' talking about Ned Stark not being the type to hook up with a tavern whore.


It's also getting further and further away from the books. Every story line has elements that are significantly different.

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At least there were two more scenes supporting a certain theory with Little Finger's history lesson for Sansa and Stanis' talking about Ned Stark not being the type to hook up with a tavern whore.


It's also getting further and further away from the books. Every story line has elements that are significantly different.


Agreed. That was actually the most interesting part of the night — the entire Lyanna history lesson scene.


And they are definitely miles from where the books are and haven't even finished this season yet. I'd imagine by the end they're going to emphatically separate themselves where there are only really a few loose tie-backs to the books (like Bran).

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Agreed. That was actually the most interesting part of the night — the entire Lyanna history lesson scene.


And they are definitely miles from where the books are and haven't even finished this season yet. I'd imagine by the end they're going to emphatically separate themselves where there are only really a few loose tie-backs to the books (like Bran).


Yes, and then HBO will be free to finish things up in the few seasons they have left, and RR can continue on his pace, resolving the books possibly in a completely different fashion sometime in 2118.

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Yes, and then HBO will be free to finish things up in the few seasons they have left, and RR can continue on his pace, resolving the books possibly in a completely different fashion sometime in 2118.


To be honest, I'm already more impressed with the direction the show is going. But we should move this to the spoiler section.

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I've abandoned after last week. Last season I couldn't get past it, and I tried again, and I really want to like it, but it's just significantly corny and boring.


And I know boring... I'm watching "Wolf Hall"... watch that, the real thing, with real actors.

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Thoughts on last nights episode?



As a reader of the books it's exciting to see all this stuff that hasn't been published yet. Thought the Tyrian/mormont story is getting good and love everything that is happening with the war over the north. But I am starting to get bored with danearys' story a little.

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Thoughts on last nights episode?



As a reader of the books it's exciting to see all this stuff that hasn't been published yet. Thought the Tyrian/mormont story is getting good and love everything that is happening with the war over the north. But I am starting to get bored with danearys' story a little.


They are running into the problem created by the vastness of the books. Even with characters stories combined and some eliminated completely, too many different story lines makes it very difficult to advance each sufficiently for me. I think that's what is happening with Dany's line right now. They're even leaving off story lines from episodes because there is just no room. That last episode ignored King's Landing, Jamie/Bronn and Aryia completely, I believe. And it still felt thin.


Not sure what the solution is either. It's just a massive amount of movement necessary for each line given the 1 hour they have each week and a 10 episode season.

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The solution is what you see them doing right now — on again off again. Each episode effectively focuses on N number of characters and only those characters. It's the only way to advance stories like this with this many "main" characters and stories.
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They are running into the problem created by the vastness of the books. Even with characters stories combined and some eliminated completely, too many different story lines makes it very difficult to advance each sufficiently for me. I think that's what is happening with Dany's line right now. They're even leaving off story lines from episodes because there is just no room. That last episode ignored King's Landing, Jamie/Bronn and Aryia completely, I believe. And it still felt thin.


Not sure what the solution is either. It's just a massive amount of movement necessary for each line given the 1 hour they have each week and a 10 episode season.


Not starting the show at 9:06 and ending at 9:51 would be a great place to start lol


But I agree. And we haven't even seen Bran this season which I find odd. I know that's how they did it in the books but the show hasn't followed the books in terms of what is being shown and what is not.


I also don't remember Jon snow going up to get the wildlings.. Again it's been such a long time since I have read the books.. Am I wrong?

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Not sure what the solution is either. It's just a massive amount of movement necessary for each line given the 1 hour they have each week and a 10 episode season.

This. They really don't have much of a choice and I think they've done about as well as you could considering the amount of catching up that has to be done.


Other shows - namely Walking Dead and SOA - got extremely slow and repetitive b/c they wrote in too many storylines and spent way too much time setting up action. In this case, the episodes that are used to set up others still move forward enough that they don't drag down the whole series.

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Not starting the show at 9:06 and ending at 9:51 would be a great place to start lol


But I agree. And we haven't even seen Bran this season which I find odd. I know that's how they did it in the books but the show hasn't followed the books in terms of what is being shown and what is not.


I also don't remember Jon snow going up to get the wildlings.. Again it's been such a long time since I have read the books.. Am I wrong?


Bran was already confirmed to not show up at all this season. He'll be back for the next.


As to your question about Jon, head to the spoiler section. This thread is for television discussion only. Absolutely, positively no spoilers.

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Still too many story lines, but at least each that got covered advanced significantly. It's also pretty refreshing to have it stray so far from the books. Now book readers can join those who haven't in not really knowing what will come next in a lot of the story lines. And even the ones more true to the books, you never know when something will suddenly stray. I think that's what having Barristan Selmy die did. Makes you realize that either the books have been abandoned for a different version of the overall story or those who ultimately won't be completely vital for the story are now fair game.


The Sansa story line for example, I was expecting maybe Reek to kill Ramsey or else for war horns to blare as Stannis attacked to save her maidenhood. Neither happened, but it was good to have the possibility from a book reader's standpoint.

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Still too many story lines, but at least each that got covered advanced significantly. It's also pretty refreshing to have it stray so far from the books. Now book readers can join those who haven't in not really knowing what will come next in a lot of the story lines. And even the ones more true to the books, you never know when something will suddenly stray. I think that's what having Barristan Selmy die did. Makes you realize that either the books have been abandoned for a different version of the overall story or those who ultimately won't be completely vital for the story are now fair game.


The Sansa story line for example, I was expecting maybe Reek to kill Ramsey or else for war horns to blare as Stannis attacked to save her maidenhood. Neither happened, but it was good to have the possibility from a book reader's standpoint.




I even thought she might kill Ramsey. The way she was undoing her cuff, I thought "oh, she's got a dagger in there!"

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Probably, yeah. But I think the fact he still feels as Theon, as evidenced by him crying watching Ramsey rape Sansa does give the indication that Theon isn't dead yet.


Side note - tons of noise is being made about this rape scene. While I do feel that a third, major rape in this show is unnecessary, and frankly comes at a bad time in Sonsa's arc, it's not the end of the world either. Theon has been tortured, humiliated, and flayed - and you bet your bottom dollar if he was a woman there would be an uprising.


Now, I'm not a "men's rights" activist. In fact, I see myself as a feminist in many ways. But, there's a line. The internet and popular culture is becoming so reactionary, it has lost all of its wits in the process. Bad writing can be bad writing without it being malicious.

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So far most complaining I see about that scene is in the "what's the point?" and "it weakens Sansas character development" realm.

Granted I haven't read every review out there yet.


I can see the points people are making, but with the episode ending at this point and with no knowledge (yet) how this will fit into the story overall and of course Sansas personal arc, I reserve judgement.

Should it really end up being a mere "women end up raped in this era" thing, then I will start to complain about it too. There has to be some payoff this time.

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I think it strengthens her character, more than anything. She's finally playing the game. This is temporary pain for long-term gain.


I think the point many are making is, that it doesn't has to be rape. A conscious decision by Sansa to endure the wedding night would have shown her growth as a player of the game, while rape shows nothing but how horrible a person Ramsay is. Which we already knew and Sansa didn't need a reason to hate him, she already has one.

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I think the scene was for Theon more than Sansa or Ramsay. The last two episodes you've seen him become more of Theon and less of Reek. When he went to pick up Sansa for the wedding I wanted him to find a way to admitting that he didn't actually kill Bran and Rickon. It's tough for him to see the one person who might've sympathized with him hate him, but then also be violated by Ramsay. I don't really think he's going to be Reek for much longer.
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