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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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In a standard Fantasy Novel, I have no doubt Sansa would be establishing a group of spies by now, conspiring with Varys and propably Tyrion to help her brother from within.

Unfortunately for her, Martin took a more realistic route.


Btw. Arya was lucky to get away with that Night's Watch guy. What could she have done in Kings Landing? Aside from pointless rebellious behavior?

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In a standard Fantasy Novel, I have no doubt Sansa would be establishing a group of spies by now, conspiring with Varys and propably Tyrion to help her brother from within.

Unfortunately for her, Martin took a more realistic route.


Btw. Arya was lucky to get away with that Night's Watch guy. What could she have done in Kings Landing? Aside from pointless rebellious behavior?


And of the two girls, Arya was a tomb boy. She was not the female standard.


If you want a comparable for Sansa, it's Margaery. And if Renley chopped off her Grand Mother's head in front of her and went to war against Loras, while being absolutely evil all the time, her demeanor might be different as well.

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And of the two girls, Arya was a tomb boy. She was not the female standard.


If you want a comparable for Sansa, it's Margaery. And if Renley chopped off her Grand Mother's head in front of her and went to war against Loras, while being absolutely evil all the time, her demeanor might be different as well.


If Renly chopped off the Queen of Thorns' head, I assure you she'd still be spewing witticisms about Tywin Lannister's potential homosexual experimentation, odd family tree and Loras' sword swallowing

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The point is, for me at least, the reactions among the Stark children. Everyone else is doing something proactive about their plight while Sansa waits for rescue. And NYRangers92, I agree with you. It's done intentionally by Martin to burst the whole fantasy-world bubble. It's a masterful job of character development and story-telling. That doesn't mean I have to like her.


Anyway, it's all opinion so there's no right answer to this discussion. All I know is that I'm supposed to feel sorry for her, but instead I get angry with her. It's like she's the only one of the kids that learned absolutely nothing from her father OR her mother. Catelyn Stark wouldn't take any of this crap either.

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The point is, for me at least, the reactions among the Stark children. Everyone else is doing something proactive about their plight while Sansa waits for rescue. And NYRangers92, I agree with you. It's done intentionally by Martin to burst the whole fantasy-world bubble. It's a masterful job of character development and story-telling. That doesn't mean I have to like her.


Anyway, it's all opinion so there's no right answer to this discussion. All I know is that I'm supposed to feel sorry for her, but instead I get angry with her. It's like she's the only one of the kids that learned absolutely nothing from her father OR her mother. Catelyn Stark wouldn't take any of this crap either.


Oh please. Catelyn Stark would cry and wail and lament everything.


Of ALL THE STARKS, I always found Catelyn the most annoying and it wasn't even close. It's like...oh, Sansa chapter? Wonder how she's getting fucked over now. Arya chapter? Fuckin right! Is she going to order someone killed? Is she going to throw soup at her captors? What next?! Bran chapter? Eh. At least its cool mysticism stuff! Jon chapter? Sexytimes and fighting! Catelyn chapter? WOE IS ME THEY KILLED EVERYTHING I LOVED AND I'M FUCKING MISERABLE. Please, for the love of god, focus on Robb and the Blackfish, because if you don't, this is just going to be one big ass motherly whinefest.

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Oh please. Catelyn Stark would cry and wail and lament everything.


Of ALL THE STARKS, I always found Catelyn the most annoying and it wasn't even close. It's like...oh, Sansa chapter? Wonder how she's getting fucked over now. Arya chapter? Fuckin right! Is she going to order someone killed? Is she going to throw soup at her captors? What next?! Bran chapter? Eh. At least its cool mysticism stuff! Jon chapter? Sexytimes and fighting! Catelyn chapter? WOE IS ME THEY KILLED EVERYTHING I LOVED AND I'M FUCKING MISERABLE. Please, for the love of god, focus on Robb and the Blackfish, because if you don't, this is just going to be one big ass motherly whinefest.


That's pretty spot on.

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The point is, for me at least, the reactions among the Stark children. Everyone else is doing something proactive about their plight while Sansa waits for rescue. And NYRangers92, I agree with you. It's done intentionally by Martin to burst the whole fantasy-world bubble. It's a masterful job of character development and story-telling. That doesn't mean I have to like her.


Anyway, it's all opinion so there's no right answer to this discussion. All I know is that I'm supposed to feel sorry for her, but instead I get angry with her. It's like she's the only one of the kids that learned absolutely nothing from her father OR her mother. Catelyn Stark wouldn't take any of this crap either.


She wasn't brought up to fight. That's the point. They make a lot, early on, out of Sansa being a dutiful daughter that excels in her lessons and who will marry to improve the family lot. Arya is rebellious and could care less about stitching, proper manors or being married off for gain. I get if you like that in her character, but Arya's the exception when it comes to female children of high born families, not the rule.


If you feel like Sansa's too old to behave this way in the show, that's a casting issue. She's 14, not 20, which is about how old her character looks there.

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Eh, Catelyn's concerned for her kids which is something any mother (even Cersei) would do. And yes, she spends about the same amount of time as Sansa whining. The point is that she does something about it, and has no delusions about some hero-figure coming to rescue her.


Granted, she's the worst of the comparisons in my list, and was only tossed in to make a point via exaggeration, which obviously ultimately undermined my point. But like I said, at this point it's all opinion. I hate Sansa, do not feel bad for her, and feel she fails to live up to the Stark standard of awesomeness. That is all.

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Eh, Catelyn's concerned for her kids which is something any mother (even Cersei) would do. And yes, she spends about the same amount of time as Sansa whining. The point is that she does something about it, and has no delusions about some hero-figure coming to rescue her.


Granted, she's the worst of the comparisons in my list, and was only tossed in to make a point via exaggeration, which obviously ultimately undermined my point. But like I said, at this point it's all opinion. I hate Sansa, do not feel bad for her, and feel she fails to live up to the Stark standard of awesomeness. That is all.


Actually, Ned failed the worst as far as living up the Stark standard of awesomeness. Followed the same roadmap that got the last Hand killed and lost his head over it in front of both of his daughters.

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She wasn't brought up to fight. That's the point. They make a lot, early on, out of Sansa being a dutiful daughter that excels in her lessons and who will marry to improve the family lot. Arya is rebellious and could care less about stitching, proper manors or being married off for gain. I get if you like that in her character, but Arya's the exception when it comes to female children of high born families, not the rule.


If you feel like Sansa's too old to behave this way in the show, that's a casting issue. She's 14, not 20, which is about how old her character looks there.

I think she is also meant to be the "standard" lady of the realm, to contrast all those woman that act more independent aka Danaerys, Arya, Brienne, Melisandre and even Cersei. We would only have faceless side charactes being that standard otherwise.

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Actually, Ned failed the worst as far as living up the Stark standard of awesomeness. Followed the same roadmap that got the last Hand killed and lost his head over it in front of both of his daughters.


Don't talk ill about Ned Stark, he was a true man of honor.

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Death doesn't matter, what you leave behind is what matters, he died with honor and is now feasting with the gods :)


He left behind the War of the 5 Kings, death and destruction across the land and no one paying attention to the threat North of the wall. Nice job, Ned.

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Watched it with the family tonight, none of whom had read the books. They all were asking me, "who is that guy?" when they saw Walder Frey. As far as portraying the events, well done. But with people who haven't read the books, they have a hard time recalling who Walder Frey is and why he's important. I mean, I know they kept mentioning it in the episodes before tonight, but my brother didn't remember Frey from Season 2 at all.



Only thing missing really was Catelyn laughing maniacally prior to the whole throat thing.


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