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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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BTW, did anyone else nearly die of laughter when Roose Bolton almost told Jaime he was overplaying his hand?


I laugh more at Lady Olenna's quips, but I liked that one quite a bit.

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I'm confused, why did Joff kill Ros? Any reason particular? Am I missing something there? Was it just to prove something? How sinister Joff is as well as Theon's captor?


There was a lot of duality to this episode.


Meera and Osha arguing over who's better at skinning a rabbit cuts to Theon being skinned. Arya using the strawman as target practice - face, tits, balls. Where was Ros shot? Face, tits, "balls". Littlefinger and Varys - chaos vs order.


Ros died for betraying Littlefinger and as a reminder that Joffrey is a sadistic fuck.

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Overall episode was a bit "meh" in comparison, but that's ok for once.


Don't think Joffrey killing Ros for fun (I guess) was a clever idea to add. It was pointless (we get it, he's the bad guy) and why would he do it? In turn provoking his grandfather and maybe even alienating his future wife. There is no point in making Joffrey as mad as King Aerith already.


There were other things, but I post them in the group.

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Overall episode was a bit "meh" in comparison, but that's ok for once.


Don't think Joffrey killing Ros for fun (I guess) was a clever idea to add. It was pointless (we get it, he's the bad guy) and why would he do it? In turn provoking his grandfather and maybe even alienating his future wife. There is no point in making Joffrey as mad as King Aerith already.


There were other things, but I post them in the group.


King Aerith? Someone's gone and confused Aerys and Aeris, methinks. I get it - they both died with swords through their hearts, but one was significantly less douchey.


I actually liked this episode quite a bit more than the last. I felt it had more going on and it actually felt a little foreign to me, which is a nice feeling coming from having finished ADWD.

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King Aerith? Someone's gone and confused Aerys and Aeris, methinks. I get it - they both died with swords through their hearts, but one was significantly less douchey.


I actually liked this episode quite a bit more than the last. I felt it had more going on and it actually felt a little foreign to me, which is a nice feeling coming from having finished ADWD.


Agreed. For me this episode more than any other recent one warrants a re-watch. There's also possibly foreshadowing to stuff that hasn't happened in books yet

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Agreed. For me this episode more than any other recent one warrants a re-watch. There's also possibly foreshadowing to stuff that hasn't happened in books yet


The scene with Melisandre and Thoros was by far the most interesting for me, along with Melisandre and Arya. As I said - it was kind of foreign because it seemed to leave the scope of the books for a moment.

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Ygritte is sexy as hell. A picture doesnt do her justice. It's her attitude, the accent, the way she fucks with Jon.. and the way she moves in that furry outfit. You just wanna get in there.




It's funny because in the books, she's described as pretty much hideous.

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Melisandre is far less attractive than she's purported to be in the books, and her voice is decidedly less melodic too. Everything she says is supposed to have this sort of beautiful, seductive, dulcet quality to it.


And Ygritte is supposed to have heinous teeth. Instead she has absolutely perfect teeth. But yeah, the actress who plays her is way hotter than the actress who plays Melisandre.


On a side note, I know I'm supposed to feel bad for Sansa, but it's hard to because she's so fucking dumb. This whole idealogical fantasy world she lives in where some handsome, strong prince is supposed to sweep her off her feet, have a fairytale wedding and live happily ever after is utterly ridiculous, and she's so heartbroken every time it doesn't happen. You want reality? Look at what every single fucking one of your siblings is up to right now bitch. And I also think Ygritte is way hotter than the actress they picked for Sansa, who's supposed to be some kind of great beauty but in reality looks like Stamkos with a wig on.

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Melisandre is far less attractive than she's purported to be in the books, and her voice is decidedly less melodic too. Everything she says is supposed to have this sort of beautiful, seductive, dulcet quality to it.


And Ygritte is supposed to have heinous teeth. Instead she has absolutely perfect teeth. But yeah, the actress who plays her is way hotter than the actress who plays Melisandre.


On a side note, I know I'm supposed to feel bad for Sansa, but it's hard to because she's so fucking dumb. This whole idealogical fantasy world she lives in where some handsome, strong prince is supposed to sweep her off her feet, have a fairytale wedding and live happily ever after is utterly ridiculous, and she's so heartbroken every time it doesn't happen. You want reality? Look at what every single fucking one of your siblings is up to right now bitch. And I also think Ygritte is way hotter than the actress they picked for Sansa, who's supposed to be some kind of great beauty but in reality looks like Stamkos with a wig on.





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