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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Jaime with the LINE OF THE SERIES right there about the Throne of Cocks


I really love him paired up with Brienne. One of my favorite storylines in the books and even more now on TV. He gets some really great oneliners.



Gotta say though that they are running into age problems with the young actors already. Bran looks much taller and his face changed a lot from last year, even his voice sounds different already.


Also I thought Sam was played really badly this episode and all the Crows look way to fresh for the exaustion they claim to have.

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Agreed, but one of the beautiful obscurities of the ASOIAF universe is the lack of clear progression and perception of time. Think about it, Phil. Did you ever actually get a timeline on, say, how long it was between the beheading of Ned Stark and the battle of the Blackwater? I couldn't find one.
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AWOIAF has a year or less in discrepancy.


and regarding Bran, his age could be masked somewhat by clothing and framing. Since he doesnt have to stand they can hide most of his body, and for his face if he keeps heading north he will need warmer clothes and probably give him a hat or a hood of some sort

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I don't know that any of the characters' ages are that critical to the story lines that they couldn't fudge some stuff to cover this with the younger characters. If anything, it will just reduce some of the "ick" factor.
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I don't know that any of the characters' ages are that critical to the story lines that they couldn't fudge some stuff to cover this with the younger characters. If anything, it will just reduce some of the "ick" factor.


Well seeing them age so much still makes it strange, cause while no timetable is given, it doesn't seem like much time passed.

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So much fun to watch this with my wife who hasn't read the books and have no clue what's going to happen....at the last scene she just burst out: holy fucking shit!.....hahahaha....it's really what I love so much about these books and this story and what drew me to it in the first place along time ago...George RR Martin has like no one else (imo) captured the sense of life's vulnerability back in these times....the brutality that doesn't pick sides....doesn't matter who you are, get mixed up with the wrong crowd and you're fucking dead or mutilated....really amazing.
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That whole scene with Pod returning the money confused me. I read the books and dont remember that at all so I am guessing it was just added to the show?


I kept thinking that there was more to it.. like the whores got information out of pod or something like that about Tyrion but then they just cut away.

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