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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont know why but this season I'm more excited to follow one story line that rhymes with sneak more than any other.


Me too man, me too. I'm curious as to how they're going to pull it off.


Anyway, 11 days!


Seriously. Not an easy task, even for HBO.


Then again, seeing the stark differences between how they handled the Battle of Blackwater, I'm not that worried. The televised depiction was much different than what GRRM wrote, but I thought, for television, it was probably the better choice.

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well most of the Blackwater changes were logistical/budgetary and not for plot. This change is all plot.

Somewhat related, but I'm re-reading certain parts of the first book for a paper, and just realized that Jeyne Poole isnt in the series...


She's not all that important, if I recall correctly, so I don't see the issue.


I'm also not seeing the issue with he-who-rhymes-with-sneak either. I don't want to riddle this thread with spoilers, but it's not as though that story isn't still possible, even if they missed their "queue" with it.

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