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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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[spoiler=not for people who haven't read Volume 3]Well, seeing the new episode and knowing it is still at least one season, maybe two, away. I can't help but being awkwardly looking forward to the day the Red Wedding will appear in screen. Oh the anticipation for that day of anger and rage. :D

And the question, if all the people that don't like to read cried for Lady and were angry about Ned Stark, what will their reaction be on that day? I sure remember mine and I yearn for the day they have to suffer through it too. :D:D:D


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[spoiler=not for people who haven't read Volume 3]Well, seeing the new episode and knowing it is still at least one season, maybe two, away. I can't help but being awkwardly looking forward to the day the Red Wedding will appear in screen. Oh the anticipation for that day of anger and rage. :D

And the question, if all the people that don't like to read cried for Lady and were angry about Ned Stark, what will their reaction be on that day? I sure remember mine and I yearn for the day they have to suffer through it too. :D:D:D



Got my girlfriend into the show at the end of season 1. I keep telling her not to get used to any characters since I know she likes Robb. I know the day the red wedding goes down she will be pisssssed. But I have to admit it is probably the thing I am looking forward to seeing most since it was the thing that really got to me the most while reading the books (so far anyway, still on ADWD).


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Got my girlfriend into the show at the end of season 1. I keep telling her not to get used to any characters since I know she likes Robb. I know the day the red wedding goes down she will be pisssssed. But I have to admit it is probably the thing I am looking forward to seeing most since it was the thing that really got to me the most while reading the books (so far anyway, still on ADWD).



COMPLETE agreement here - the Red Wedding got me so sad and angry that I literally chucked the book against the wall and didn't pick it up again for a week. In the very next chapter, Arya "dies", and I did it again.


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COMPLETE agreement here - the Red Wedding got me so sad and angry that I literally chucked the book against the wall and didn't pick it up again for a week. In the very next chapter, Arya "dies", and I did it again.



As I already said many times, I didn't touch mine for two years after the RW and I was really bored when I picked it up again. :D


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PLEASE do not click the spoiler here unless you've finished all books



Many of you are aware of the theory being passed around (and it makes sense) that Jon Snow is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.


I have a theory that Melisandre has taken control of the Nights Watch in Stannis' name, seen Jon's lineage in the fire and demanded his death in turn for making sure Mance's son didn't end up in her hands. As we know, Melly has been after "royal blood" for a sacrifice to revive dragons for quite a while...she'd have it with Jon's death


I also believe that Benjen Stark may in fact have known this - reference to his conversation with Jon regarding taking the black, that he'd be much more hesitant to do so if he knew what it would mean


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I kinda doubt it. The LS+RT theory is mainly made up on the behavior of Ned Stark, someone Melisandre never met and Stannis wasn't there when Ned last saw his sister. So where would she have heard this?

Not ruling it out, but I call it unlikely. She also had to much interest in him as a living person, in fact she is my hope for his survival as that other red priest revived Lord Beric Dondarrion.

The attack on him by his brother isn't surprising if you look at all the enemies he made himself with his help for the wildlings and him sending out most of his friends in the watch.


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I kinda doubt it. The LS+RT theory is mainly made up on the behavior of Ned Stark, someone Melisandre never met and Stannis wasn't there when Ned last saw his sister. So where would she have heard this?

Not ruling it out, but I call it unlikely. She also had to much interest in him as a living person, in fact she is my hope for his survival as that other red priest revived Lord Beric Dondarrion.

The attack on him by his brother isn't surprising if you look at all the enemies he made himself with his help for the wildlings and him sending out most of his friends in the watch.



Melisandre sees all sorts of shit in her fires. If she can see the future, could she not perhaps also see the past?


It's a theory, nothing more, but this is what happens when a certain fat asshole author can't complete more than 2 books a decade :(


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It's a plausible theory, I have heard worse about this series. Still, remembering the lone Melisandre-POV-chapter: She doesn't see as much in the fires as she wants people to think she does. It's actually pretty random and open for interpretation.


It's more likely to think of him as of royal blood, as he is the half-brother of a king (Robb) and still a son of house Stark, which were the Kings of Winter once, so also of royal blood. So keeping this in mind, you could be correct.

Still I wouldn't put my money on this. Sorry. ;)


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