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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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[spoiler=Lots of Spoiler Stuff]I'm almost done book 3 and I won't watch the show until I'm done the series. Martin is just a master storyteller. I was almost in a groove with the series, just waiting for the Starks to come together and take the north back and then BAM they are all dead. I had to put the book down and go out and have a smoke to think about it. I find myself saying "mayhaps" or "the others with you" At work. People think I'm retarded.


Thanks to this board for Illuminating this series for me.


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Took me a little more than a day to get to page 145 in CoK since I actually had a little time to read :rofl:


Not much has really happened so far ^.^


You'll hit a few story developments in just a few short chapters.

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At page 682 of Clash of Kings.



Just passed the chapter where Theon takes Winterfell. Kinda want this ginger dick to get killed too.



Maybe you now know how sarcastic I was, when I talked to my father during the "King of the North" scene of the TV-show, where he asked Rob if he was still his brother and made that oath of loyalty.

I don't remember if he made that oath in the book (tiny detail), but in TV he isn't just a turncloat, but an oathbreaker too.


And you can't even take him serious. He is trying so hard to impress his father and sister and never succeeds lol. Has Asha visited him in Winterfell yet?


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Maybe you now know how sarcastic I was, when I talked to my father during the "King of the North" scene of the TV-show, where he asked Rob if he was still his brother and made that oath of loyalty.

I don't remember if he made that oath in the book (tiny detail), but in TV he isn't just a turncloat, but an oathbreaker too.


And you can't even take him serious. He is trying so hard to impress his father and sister and never succeeds lol. Has Asha visited him in Winterfell yet?



No, not yet. He just took Winterfell and Bran yielded it to him.


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Took me a little more than a day to get to page 145 in CoK since I actually had a little time to read :rofl:


Not much has really happened so far ^.^


Yeah, that's usually the trend in the series, the first couple of hundred pages start out a little slow and then it picks up, especially in the first two books where there's a lot of character introductions.

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Nearing the end of Clash of Kings. Around the 810 page mark...



Bran and Rickon are dead? Seriously? Congratulations, Theon, you ugly ginger mother fucker, you just pole vaulted the list of characters I want to see come to a torturous death, second only to Joffrey himself, the sniveling little shit. I hope Asha guts you and leaves you for the wolves you pathetic prick.


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