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Pro Wrasslin' — WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact Wrestling & Beyond


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Because that band sucks. That'd have been a nice package if they didn't use such a stupid song. The song also doesn't fit the theme at all. This should be about revenge and anger. It makes ME angry and vengeful, but I'm not sure they wanted such an isolated response. ;)


Jack White alone has some nice solo stuff. But eh to each his own.

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What sucks is that Rock vs Cena and probably Taker vs HHH with HBK is going to overshadow Punk vs Jericho so much -_- yet it will be the best match on the card.


Why would that suck? I'm not even interested in the event, but Hogan/Andre overshadowed Savage/Steamboat at WrestleMania III, yet Savage/Steamboat was the better match. Why does it matter?

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as obvious as this may be , I'd do a spin with cena where vince admits to him being his lacky / puppet the whole time and that hes secretly been pulling strings for john for a long time . His reasoning would be that Cena being there and being the face, drowned out the stars who were thorns in his side . The future austins, the future rocks, etc. When austin was around Vince was target #1, now cenas there well... things are a lot more status quo. This would be revealed after a cena attack agains a HISTORIC WWE figure. Perhaps austin himself or the rock (which is already the path) in which he injures said star.
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mostly because Jericho and Punk never got/get the recognition they deserved. Maybe I have my Jericho and Punk mark glasses on but they have always gotten the shaft with the WWE.


How has Chris Jericho gotten the shaft with WWE? He's won the IC title more than any man in WWE history (nine times), was the first ever undisputed WWE champion, is a three-time World Heavyweight Champion, a two-time WCW/World Champion, a five-time WWF/E World Tag Team Champion, a two-time WWE Tag team Champion, a one-time European Champion, a one-time Hardcore Champion, the ninth Triple Crown champion in WWE history and the fourth Grand Slam champion in company history.


The day that equates "shaft" is the day pigs fly.

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How has Chris Jericho gotten the shaft with WWE? He's won the IC title more than any man in WWE history (nine times), was the first ever undisputed WWE champion, is a three-time World Heavyweight Champion, a two-time WCW/World Champion, a five-time WWF/E World Tag Team Champion, a two-time WWE Tag team Champion, a one-time European Champion, a one-time Hardcore Champion, the ninth Triple Crown champion in WWE history and the fourth Grand Slam champion in company history.


The day that equates "shaft" is the day pigs fly.



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How has Chris Jericho gotten the shaft with WWE? He's won the IC title more than any man in WWE history (nine times), was the first ever undisputed WWE champion, is a three-time World Heavyweight Champion, a two-time WCW/World Champion, a five-time WWF/E World Tag Team Champion, a two-time WWE Tag team Champion, a one-time European Champion, a one-time Hardcore Champion, the ninth Triple Crown champion in WWE history and the fourth Grand Slam champion in company history.


The day that equates "shaft" is the day pigs fly.


Jericho in the early 00's one of the best wrestlers in that organization and instead of getting main event time he was relegated to mid card status, wrestling with the likes of X-Pac, Kane etc. He was jobbed a lot of times to other wrestlers getting pushes, who he was just as good as and all of this transpired from HHH's dislike of Jericho.

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Here is a good read:



Jericho came into the company in August of 1999, at a point when HHH was in the initial stages of his megapush. They were trying with other guys too, namely Billy Gunn and Jeff Jarrett, but HHH, while he wasn't nearly as over as he needed to be, was the best bet of the three.


He struggled. His promos were solid, but he wasn't finding a way to connect with the crowd. He had an obvious lack of confidence and seemed uncomfortable in his own boots.


Jericho came in and got a large pop and was the immediate buzz. On a night when Shawn Michaels and Jesse Ventura had been brought in to get HHH's title match over, Jericho was *the* topic on the lips of most.


Jericho had a similar look to HHH in that they both had long, blond hair and they were both competing for the same spot. Jericho started getting face heat while HHH's heat continued to dwindle.


Within weeks, rumblings started that Jericho didn't know how to work. Jericho was told to turn up his aggression by management and ended up angering Road Dogg because he slapped him during a match. The Big Show also felt that Jericho was wrestling too stiff against him and didn't sell their size difference nearly as much as he should have.


Jericho's string of political misfortune continued when he threw Stevie Richards out of the ring and Richards landed wrong on his ankle and was sidelined with a broken foot. He smashed Chyna in the back of the head with a hair dryer and actually drew blood hardaway, severely angering her then-boyfriend HHH. X-Pac was complaining to management that he had no sense of timing and Jericho started getting comparisons as a worker to Shane Douglas.


Jericho actually jobbed to Chyna at Survivor Series '99 in a move that would be criticized to Hell today that was actually ignored for the most part by the fanbase. Jericho did redeem himself by winning the Intercontinental title at Armageddon, but the following week at the Smackdown tapings, Vince had a private meeting with Jericho where he told him that he was very unhappy with his work up to that point and that he would grant him a release if he felt he couldn't meet company expectations. Jericho fired back and told Vince he was "crazy" and "listening to the wrong people", which only further put him in the doghouse.


Jericho worked hard to adjust his style to the style that WWE wanted. He was wearing lifts in his boots to make him appear taller and this was making him very clumsy. The Chyna feud turned into a partnership that did Jericho absolutely no favors and he spent the first few months of 2000 putting newcomers Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit over.


In April 2000, Eric Bischoff made the comment on WCW Live that Chris Jericho was handled better in WCW than he was in the WWF, which motivated the creative team to run an angle with him to prove Bischoff wrong. This was the 04/17/00 RAW where Jericho got the phantom title win over HHH, which was intended to test his reaction on top, which was tremendous.


Jericho started to move up the card around this time, and while he was still doing jobs almost constantly, he was consistently kept in the upper midcard-main event picture until the Undertaker returned and Jericho ended up back in the midcard. Before 'Taker returned, he was clearly being pushed as the #2 babyface, as the 05/08/00 RAW had him wrestling three times in one night when the Rock couldn't make the show because of movie commitments.


Glass ceiling talk started when the main event of King of the Ring 2000 was announced, and as a result, the company placed Benoit, Jericho and Angle in feuds with Rock, Undertaker and HHH going into Fully Loaded, a PPV which was aptly titled "The Crap Shoot". Jericho's Last Man Standing match with HHH was considered the show-stealer, and while Jericho lost, the feeling was that he was still elevated from the performance.


The company did absolutely nothing to follow up on the performance, as Jericho ended up putting Benoit over on the next PPV and then dropping down the card into a feud with X-Pac where they traded several wins and losses. Talk started again that Jericho couldn't work, and he was paired with Kane, and the two had horrible chemistry and Jericho was clumsier than ever, which by now was a result of not only the lifts, but the muscle mass he had packed on over the course of the previous year. The company felt they were doing a favor to Jericho by programming him with Kane, thinking Kane could show him how to work.


He finished out 2000 in bumbling fashion before redeeming himself with a good showing against Benoit at the Royal Rumble in January of 2001. He was pushed hard over the next three months on TV, beating Guerrero, X-Pac and Benoit (his top three rivals) in one match at No Way Out and holding off Regal in the opener at Wrestlemania.


There are rumors, while unconfirmed, that the original plan for Wrestlemania was for Jericho to defeat HHH in a Last Man Standing rematch, but Jericho did a promo at No Way Out ripping X-Pac to shreds, and X-Pac went to HHH and complained and Jericho was "punished" by being relegated to the opening match. That has never been truly confirmed, but it has been hinted by Meltzer and other reporters at the time.


Jericho jobbed the IC title to HHH immediately after Wrestlemania, which was a controversial move, not only because HHH didn't need the belt, but with Austin turning heel and Rock gone, Jericho and Chris Benoit seemed like the logical choices to elevate. Undertaker and Kane ended up getting those spots and ratings plummeted. Backlash was the first PPV to get under a 1.0 buyrate in over a year and Judgment Day topped out at an 0.84 buyrate. The night after Wrestlemania, RAW delivered a 5.7 rating. Within seven weeks, they dropped to a 4.2. It was obvious the 'Taker/Kane push was bombing.


Jericho and Benoit were now inserted into the top program, with Jericho getting a pinfall win over Steve Austin in a tag match, but HHH tore his quad in the match and was sidelined for several months, leading to a triple-threat main event at King of the Ring which did no one any good, but still managed to top the Judgment Day buyrate at 0.96, which was down from what they were doing earlier in the year and throughout 2000, but was an increase over Austin's previous program, and a major feat considering that the push of Jericho and Benoit stopped after two weeks, with three weeks still to go before the PPV main event.


In late 2001, Jericho won the title on an event that was originally supposed to see HHH return, but he suggested booking changes that were approved. The decision was made that Jericho would transition the title to HHH at Wrestlemania. This decision wasn't so bad in itself, but Jericho was booked as the weakest champion in the history of the company, eclipsing Kurt Angle by a small margin, as Angle at least got more TV time and focus in his first reign.


Backstage at the 02/25/02 RAW, Jericho and HHH got into a shouting match when referee Brian Hebner botched the ending of a Jericho/Angle match. HHH stepped in and told both the referee and Angle that Jericho was the one at fault for blowing the finish, which furthered the heat between the two.


The build to the Wrestlemania main event has been well documented. It's worth mentioning that HHH has only put over Jericho twice; once was the phantom title switch and the other was a fluke rollup on Smackdown in April 2002, which built to Hell in the Cell, where HHH went over yet again. The two have not worked a lengthy program since then. By the way, Jericho was the 'lil buddy of HHH for much of 2003.


Other events have happened since then, and what I provided here is probably more than what you initially asked, but basically, HHH's problem with Jericho is that he's a threat to his spot. Even now, more than 10 years after entering the company, Jericho is still one of the biggest threats to HHH's main event role."

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Jericho in the early 00's one of the best wrestlers in that organization and instead of getting main event time he was relegated to mid card status, wrestling with the likes of X-Pac, Kane etc. He was jobbed a lot of times to other wrestlers getting pushes, who he was just as good as and all of this transpired from HHH's dislike of Jericho.


Jericho has been able to negotiate what he wants. He asked for a leave in 2005, he got it. He renegotiated how he was going to return. He asked for another leave, did Dancing With The Stars, toured with Fozzy and took time off.


I hardly think he gets shafted.

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Jericho has been able to negotiate what he wants. He asked for a leave in 2005, he got it. He renegotiated how he was going to return. He asked for another leave, did Dancing With The Stars, toured with Fozzy and took time off.


I hardly think he gets shafted.


read the other post

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I did and am aware of what was said.


Triple H is no longer a Main Eventer. He wil be in side feuds with older guys but isn't a threat he is the next Chairman/CEO. I doubt there is still any blood between the two since Jericho and Stephanie are friends


I don't know what to tell you, its been documented that they don't really like each other and that HHH put a stop to some of Jericho's pushes in the early 2000's. HHH is a great worker but he has done this numerous times (squashed people who he perceived to be a threat to his status) and even if he isn't in the main event scene anymore doesn't mean he won't do this to other people. For example, he doesn't like Evan Bourne and even though Evan Bourne is a boring flash in the pan, it isn't a coincidence that Bourne is rarely seen on television anymore (suspension aside). In fact recently, HHH came down insanely hard on Bourne for bringing to light that it was R-Truth that was the unnamed wrestler who was smoking synthetic weed with Bourne.


HHH is a douche and just because he is out of the main event scene doesnt mean he doesnt have the power to affect the wrestlers around him.

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Do you think Jericho cares?


no, I don't but that isn't really relevant to the conversation is it? Regardless of whether Jericho cares or not doesn't take away from the fact that he has gotten shafted by the WWE. His longest heavyweight title reign was 3 months, everything else was transitional.

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no, I don't but that isn't really relevant to the conversation is it? Regardless of whether Jericho cares or not doesn't take away from the fact that he has gotten shafted by the WWE. His longest heavyweight title reign was 3 months, everything else was transitional.


Im sorry but he hasn't gotten shafted. If you read his books or watched his documentaries he clearly states how happy and fortunate he has been.

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he hasnt even had a proper title run and you dont think he has gotten shafted? If he is truly the best wrestler in the business he deserves to have held the title for longer than he has had. 5 title reigns equaling about 9-10 months TOTAL. All because HHH doesn't like him.
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he hasnt even had a proper title run and you dont think he has gotten shafted? If he is truly the best wrestler in the business he deserves to have held the title for longer than he has had. 5 title reigns equaling about 9-10 months TOTAL. All because HHH doesn't like him.


But I really don't think Jericho cares about title reigns. It is just my opinion,

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But I really don't think Jericho cares about title reigns. It is just my opinion,


well to some degree that is true, but in his last contract negotiations, he had a clause in there saying he had to win the title X amount of times (not sure of the value of X) so he does care a little bit (though probably not as much as Wrestler X). I don't know if shafted is the right word but he is most definitely not valued as much as he should. He has been treated as a transitional champ way too much and has gotten stuck on the midcard too much as well, tho since he came back in 2007 I dont think he has been on the midcard nearly as much as he was in the early 2000's

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well to some degree that is true, but in his last contract negotiations, he had a clause in there saying he had to win the title X amount of times (not sure of the value of X) so he does care a little bit (though probably not as much as Wrestler X). I don't know if shafted is the right word but he is most definitely not valued as much as he should. He has been treated as a transitional champ way too much and has gotten stuck on the midcard too much as well, tho since he came back in 2007 I dont think he has been on the midcard nearly as much as he was in the early 2000's


Fair enough. Just didn't agree with your word choice :thumbs:

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