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Pro Wrasslin' — WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact Wrestling & Beyond


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he will have an explanation. Ill wait til I hear his real promo, remember he is supposedly bringing about the end of the world, he wasn't returning as a face, you could tell from the return videos. Give it one week and hear his explanation next week




You don't run six weeks of vignettes to waste a re-debut like that. That's horrid booking. Period. "Leaving you wanting more" is a cop out.

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You don't run six weeks of vignettes to waste a re-debut like that. That's horrid booking. Period. "Leaving you wanting more" is a cop out.


maybe im a sucker, or a pure Jericho mark but it hooked me in! I want to see next week. I thought it was a great booking, they wanted Jericho to be heel but knew the fans would cheer him so it was a pretty smart move imo. I guess if they wanted to go a more traditional heel route they coulda had the vignette show up during Punks match and have Jericho come down and beat the living crap out of Punk but eh... I liked this, and Im probably in the minority.

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Oh, I will. On YouTube. No way in hell will I waste another 2 hours of my time watching that shit show just to be disappointed again. RAW is still 80% shit, 10% spectacular, 10% passable.


They have no competition so they can shovel out shit and people will buy, buy, buy.


So I know your feelings on the generic muscle x people. Who falls under your 10% for spectacular.

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They have no competition so they can shovel out shit and people will buy, buy, buy.


So I know your feelings on the generic muscle x people. Who falls under your 10% for spectacular.


I was thoroughly impressed with Cody Rhodes. Thoroughly. I really enjoy Ziggler, too (though he has a fucking retarded name) and CM Punk is a given.


I've always thought Danielson was the Great American Bore (play on his Great American Dragon nick name), and the rest of the line-up is pretty fuckin' vanilla and generic.


Rhodes is every bit a superstar as his brother and father were, though.

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I was thoroughly impressed with Cody Rhodes. Thoroughly. I really enjoy Ziggler, too (though he has a fucking retarded name) and CM Punk is a given.


I've always thought Danielson was the Great American Bore (play on his Great American Dragon nick name), and the rest of the line-up is pretty fuckin' vanilla and generic.


Rhodes is every bit a superstar as his brother and father were, though.


I bet you just love Cena :)

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Oh, I will. On YouTube. No way in hell will I waste another 2 hours of my time watching that shit show just to be disappointed again. RAW is still 80% shit, 10% spectacular, 10% passable.


fair enough, I can see why you would do that. The only things that are interesting on that show at the moment, imo, are Jericho, Punk and Kane.

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Actually, I don't mind Cena at all. He sells. He has personality. He has the ability to have tremendous matches. I don't get all the hate for him.


Yeah, I never got the hate for Cena either. He works as hard as anyone in the business (if not the hardest), isn't terrible on the mic, moveset is meh but so was The Rock's, and he will help push other younger stars. The only reason I can think of ppl hating him is cuz of how many times he got the strap when he was supposedly undeserving or cuz of his target audience (children). That being said, they started making Cena sucks shirts and they have been selling well, so I think you might see a heel turn soon (probably testing their sales if they were to turn him).

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