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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I think I'm getting sick! :( I cannot be sick! I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I've got too much to do, dammit! :mad:


Feel better, this is always how it is. I have vacation next week, with a ton of shit I have to do, and I feel a head cold coming on, I hope it doesnt fully develop into a cold though.

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What the hell. The Dutch coalition (very conservative and flat-out xenophobic) has ordered a new law that says that all Dutch citizens who have ever gotten a second passport will have their Dutch passport and potentially their citizenship revoked. That means that I ever want to marry my girlfriend and want to use the benefits of American citizenship - which is also the only non-revokable license of citizenship, so I'd want to make sure no one could ever kick me out - my own fucking country will demand that I hand in everything that proves I am Dutch. Everything single thing.


I am so furious about this shit, fucking furious. Not even the US, with all their immigration laws, makes you do this. Nobody does.

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That's pretty ridiculous ..wow


It's all in the light of annoying, harassing and scaring away immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, but because the Dutch law demands equality they feel the advantage of all that actually outweighs the passport revoking of a potential successful 300,000 expats who are well-educated, smart people who have just broadened their horizon or who met a foreign partner and decided to live there.


It's insane, it doesn't even make sense and they are also power hungry that even a liberal party has voted in favor of it, because their guy is the prime minister and they want support from the two big conservative parties.

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