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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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i have an ikea lamp on my desk that I havent used in 10 years haha


I have 6 Ikea products (plus the lamp) in my room at home. When I move into my apartment at school next week I'm going cheaper than Ikea and using rubbermaid containers/drawers instead of actual furniture lmao

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IKEA is deceptively expensive anyway. You're always like, oh man I could totally use that random lamp that I don't actually need but think I do because they arranged it all nice.


Add on the fact that anything even remotely durable isn't much cheaper than anywhere else. And you have to assemble it yourself.

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Add on the fact that anything even remotely durable isn't much cheaper than anywhere else. And you have to assemble it yourself.


The cheapest things aren't very durable, but who buys their furniture for life or for a first place immediately? IKEA is a fine stop gap between just furnishing your first places casually and then saving up the cash to buy something really awesome. Which in turn can be found at IKEA, if you buy the more expensive things. It ain't all bad.

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The cheapest things aren't very durable, but who buys their furniture for life or for a first place immediately? IKEA is a fine stop gap between just furnishing your first places casually and then saving up the cash to buy something really awesome. Which in turn can be found at IKEA, if you buy the more expensive things. It ain't all bad.


They're bait and switch artists. They lure you in with under priced items that are crap, and then creatively label other items slightly more expensive than the crap, but a lot better quality. But you have to add on and assemble.


Crap love seat from Ikea: $350.


Seemingly light years better love seat: $400. Plus cover. Plus delivery. You assemble. Total cost: $650


Awesome loveseat gets delivered fully assembled from any other store: $700.


For the extra $50 I'll shop elsewhere.


But yes, there are certain items you can get a deal on.

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I hate that I can't sit in a public place in New York City without being talked to. I commute with my brother so I have to kill two hours while I wait for him to get out. I usually just stay in my office and do work but today I had a headache so I went outside to a park near me. People just won't leave you alone about this charity or that charity or this petition. So I left and went to Grand Central and found a seat in the food area and some guy came up and wanted to just talk and make chit chat.
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I hate that I can't sit in a public place in New York City without being talked to. I commute with my brother so I have to kill two hours while I wait for him to get out. I usually just stay in my office and do work but today I had a headache so I went outside to a park near me. People just won't leave you alone about this charity or that charity or this petition. So I left and went to Grand Central and found a seat in the food area and some guy came up and wanted to just talk and make chit chat.


A common complaint is that New Yorkers don't greet people in the street and are very acknowledging of other people in their everyday life. Reading this, it all makes sense, because one nod to the wrong guy and you're stuck listening to a sales pitch or a song.

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A common complaint is that New Yorkers don't greet people in the street and are very acknowledging of other people in their everyday life. Reading this, it all makes sense, because one nod to the wrong guy and you're stuck listening to a sales pitch or a song.


I want to be nice but I don't think I can anymore. I got stuck talking to this one guy about this charity for a good 30 minutes about how I can live without $0.50 a day so why wouldn't I help a starving child. I'm a sucker and I look like a sucker.

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