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Rangers RFA Lafreniere Confident New Deal Will Come Soon


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Honestly I know life isnt a movie, but a part of me hopes all the radio silence around Laff is really just him living out in the wilderness somewhere and getting absolutely ripped with 80's music playing over a montage as he practices skating around some homemade ice rink. Then he shows up to camp absolutely jacked, ripping 100mph slapshots while skating like lightning.


But reality sets in and he's probably just a pub drinking, smoking and talking about how he was a 1st overall pick to impress some day shift bartender that has 5 kids with 5 different Dad's.

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29 minutes ago, BreakawayMachine said:

Honestly I know life isnt a movie, but a part of me hopes all the radio silence around Laff is really just him living out in the wilderness somewhere and getting absolutely ripped with 80's music playing over a montage as he practices skating around some homemade ice rink. Then he shows up to camp absolutely jacked, ripping 100mph slapshots while skating like lightning.


But reality sets in and he's probably just a pub drinking, smoking and talking about how he was a 1st overall pick to impress some day shift bartender that has 5 kids with 5 different Dad's.


There's a movie scene I can think of that most likely describes Lafreniere right now....


Chocolate Cake Movie GIF

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He doesn't skate well.  That doesn't mean he's fat it just means he doesn't skate well.


If I was drafting high skill players that didn't skate well I'd have a fully fleshed out skating program to teach them how to skate well.


But that's just me.

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14 minutes ago, Br4d said:

He doesn't skate well.  That doesn't mean he's fat it just means he doesn't skate well.


If I was drafting high skill players that didn't skate well I'd have a fully fleshed out skating program to teach them how to skate well.


But that's just me.

Not skating well is a bit misleading.

You can actually fix most skating issues, aside from natural and inherent speed, or lack thereof. 


He does lack speed. Which is common.

Elite speed is an uncommon trait.

Even in today’s NHL, where it’s the biggest and most focused on trait. 

Most elite players lack it. Plenty of guys that have it are not elite.

Having it may make a player desirable, but it alone doesn’t make a player elite.

There is a laundry list of players with elite speed and skating ability that had no career. 


His balance and edge work need work, and his conditioning needs to be better.


He will figure it out eventually.


It is just a question of whether he does that here or elsewhere.


Theres some prime seasons to be had though

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He was 19 when he got here.  He's 21 now.  The Rangers should have taken control earlier but there's still time to rectify the error.


We think of these guys as great athletes but they're also kids.  You don't wait for a kid to go find what he needs by himself, you go get it for him.  If you wait you're going to be waiting for a long time.

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I believe it was Staple and I believe it was posted in here a few times already, he wrote about there being concern about his lack of work ethic. So I don't think it's anything that's just being made up at all.  Maybe many eyes aren't lying about him being out of breath on way more than a few shifts while appearing lazy on the ice at times and looking to get off the ice at weird times during a play because he's gassed throughout the season. 


Work ethic the one simple thing he can control yet there's even a concern there on the orgs part.

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38 minutes ago, Br4d said:

He was 19 when he got here.  He's 21 now.  The Rangers should have taken control earlier but there's still time to rectify the error.


We think of these guys as great athletes but they're also kids.  You don't wait for a kid to go find what he needs by himself, you go get it for him.  If you wait you're going to be waiting for a long time.

There's only so much the team can control. The off season belongs to the players. They are given a program, but it they don't follow it, no one from the team shows up to spank them. It's up to them to put in the work. Laffy hasn't.


They don't work on skating during the season.

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1 hour ago, RangersIn7 said:

Not skating well is a bit misleading.

You can actually fix most skating issues, aside from natural and inherent speed, or lack thereof. 


He does lack speed. Which is common.

Elite speed is an uncommon trait.

Even in today’s NHL, where it’s the biggest and most focused on trait. 

Most elite players lack it. Plenty of guys that have it are not elite.

Having it may make a player desirable, but it alone doesn’t make a player elite.

There is a laundry list of players with elite speed and skating ability that had no career. 


His balance and edge work need work, and his conditioning needs to be better.


He will figure it out eventually.


It is just a question of whether he does that here or elsewhere.


Theres some prime seasons to be had though

Straight away speed and edge work are completely different things, albeit both hyper important to what people call elite skating.


Straight away speed is just a combination of doing 3 things well: 1) Technique 2) Foot Speed 3) Conditioning. You can improve all 3(even though bad technique is incredibly hard to break) to develop better speed. It's pretty straightforward.


Edge work is a different animal all together. That is much more about stops, turns and cutaways. It is something that is much more naturally influenced by a player's inherent balance and athletic ability; but technique, foot speed and conditioning also play a very important role in there as well.  

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4 minutes ago, Pete said:

There's only so much the team can control. The off season belongs to the players. They are given a program, but it they don't follow it, no one from the team shows up to spank them. It's up to them to put in the work. Laffy hasn't.


They don't work on skating during the season.

Love how Pete matter of factly lays that on the table like he has been hanging out with Laffrenaire all Summer.


This is the point where he replies to my post, and quotes a second hand and/or anonymous press blurb or two and then states it as proof that he hasn't worked all Summer. 

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26 minutes ago, MuddyInTheMiddle said:

Love how Pete matter of factly lays that on the table like he has been hanging out with Laffrenaire all Summer.


This is the point where he replies to my post, and quotes a second hand and/or anonymous press blurb or two and then states it as proof that he hasn't worked all Summer. 


We can't say with certainty if he has or hasn't, but his conditioning and dedication has been openly questioned by Arthur Staple and Stephen Valiquette on multiple occasions.

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10 minutes ago, Phil said:


We can't say with certainty if he has or hasn't, but his conditioning and dedication has been openly questioned by Arthur Staple and Stephen Valiquette on multiple occasions.


100%. By that same token, we can't treat speculation as fact. I am a believer in where there is smoke, there is usually fire. We should just qualify our points a little more precisely. 

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

There's only so much the team can control. The off season belongs to the players. They are given a program, but it they don't follow it, no one from the team shows up to spank them. It's up to them to put in the work. Laffy hasn't.


They don't work on skating during the season.


Well that's obviously a mistake and a poor prioritization of resources.


Chytil skates just fine. So does Miller and obviously Fox.  The young guys who don't skate well should be working on that on a weekly basis in-season.  They should be doing that within a structure that improves their skating ability.

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1 hour ago, MuddyInTheMiddle said:

Straight away speed and edge work are completely different things, albeit both hyper important to what people call elite skating.


Straight away speed is just a combination of doing 3 things well: 1) Technique 2) Foot Speed 3) Conditioning. You can improve all 3(even though bad technique is incredibly hard to break) to develop better speed. It's pretty straightforward.


Edge work is a different animal all together. That is much more about stops, turns and cutaways. It is something that is much more naturally influenced by a player's inherent balance and athletic ability; but technique, foot speed and conditioning also play a very important role in there as well.  

I agree with some, but not all.

To me it’s case by case. 


What I’m saying specifically is…


Every player with a skating deficiency can have those deficiencies improved upon. To some degree. 
Just depends on the player, what his deficiency is, and what is the cause.

What you’re saying, Re: speed vs edge work and what’s the more natural trait and what’s easier to improve, it’s debatable.


I could line up coaches who would say that I can teach and improve upon edge work way more than I can “teach” a guy to be faster. You can help a guy be a bit faster by improving certain aspects of technique and getting him stronger. 

Surely you could cite numerous examples where the opposite plays out. 

It’s not a coach he needs to coach up that deficiency.

It’s a coach he needs to identify the issue, diagnose, find root cause, and remedy. 

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