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Scott last won the day on March 21

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About Scott

  • Birthday 01/27/1964


  • Location
    Seaside Park NJ

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  1. Sure to 25-30 goals. Would sign up for that yesterday. Seems like a real stretch though at this point in his career. Who is he bumping to get that kind of opportunity?
  2. Ferraro is mile ahead in the Which Broadcaster Would You Shoot Into The Sun thread.
  3. Right off the top Lias Kravtsov (Vitaly Andersson) have that bust thing that's still fresh. (Both lazy and not willing to go balls out to put in the work). Will think more about a guy from the past.
  4. <-------------- wants to know if the release date has been announced yet for "Chosen Second"
  5. Larry fucked it up got the information from someone within the org. That's where the fucking up started.
  6. I didn't realize there had already been a handful of sites that have been bought and killed off to public access.
  7. Time has been rough on Laraque his physique is approaching Tyler Perry playing Madea.
  8. Assuming Rempe stays healthy and plays every game I see.
  9. good stuff, scary but good. https://www.facebook.com/reel/384080148018179
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