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[RS] (#1) Rangers v. Nashville Predators // Choo Choo ? All Aboard the Pain Train!


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On paper, I agree, but if you pull back on the scope, you'll recognize why. The glut of the players they've drafted who are going to be, or should be, key pillars of this rebuild are simply not ready for the NHL yet. Miller, Lundqvist, Hajek, Kravstov, perhaps Andersson, Keane, etc.


This season feels like a seat warming one while those guys all gear up for serious runs at the roster next season, or later this season after the second February liquidation sale.


Yeah. There's an article on BSB that's quite critical of management for leaving our better prospects in the A whilst guys with no future are with the big team. But whilst it would be tempting to line up with Andersson, Howden, Chytil, Ada, Hajek, Pionk and the rest of them the simple fact is that they would be destroyed every night. And it's highly debatable whether that is a good environment for developing kids.

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Yeah. There's an article on BSB that's quite critical of management for leaving our better prospects in the A whilst guys with no future are with the big team. But whilst it would be tempting to line up with Andersson, Howden, Chytil, Ada, Hajek, Pionk and the rest of them the simple fact is that they would be destroyed every night. And it's highly debatable whether that is a good environment for developing kids.


Hajek was the only kid sent to Hartford that was good throughtout the preseason. It is also insanity to insert 7-9 kids into an NHL lineup all at once. Chytil, Howden, Pionk, Lettieri and even ADA are plenty.


Beyond all that there is just a bunch that needs to be sorted out. Young vets and proven vets are here. We can't piss away assets and young vets just because some may not be here a few years from now. The team needs to evaluate and mold this group, finding core players, role players and an identity and winning style of play. All the while making roster moves, trades and promotions.

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I think ADA sitting in favour of McQuaid is what has me most miffed.


But I think you're all probably correct. Patience is key.


Somebody has to play D on that side and imo there's no way they acquired McQuaid to sit behind ADA. Adam is the best defensive D man on that side by a mile.

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I think ADA sitting in favour of McQuaid is what has me most miffed.


But I think you're all probably correct. Patience is key.


Me too, so I am reminding myself to be patient. I have faith that Quinn is communicating with ADA and will manage it successfully. It is possible McQuaid and Shatty are not here next year. Looking forward to ADA being more Theodore and less Del Zotto, when he finally gets to play.

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Me too, so I am reminding myself to be patient. I have faith that Quinn is communicating with ADA and will manage it successfully. It is possible McQuaid and Shatty are not here next year. Looking forward to ADA being more Theodore and less Del Zotto, when he finally gets to play.


He’ll get his chance. Someone will get hurt or play poorly enough to be bumped, it’s inevitable.

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It's equally as possible that ADA isn't worthy of a top six role on a junk team in Quinn's eyes at this point. Shattenkirk and McQuaid not being here next year is only a hypothetical for now. I'm in no hurry to bounce McQuaid we haven't had a guy like him in who knows how long. I don't think it's out of the question Pionk shares time with ADA.
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Anyone care to go on record stating they are rooting for the Rangers to lose tonight?


Right here. I'm rooting for them to lose every night, except against the Devils. All by one goal, in highly competitive games. Work ethic and a high draft pick. Together. Like hot ice — it's the best of both worlds!

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Right here. I'm rooting for them to lose every night, except against the Devils. All by one goal, in highly competitive games. Work ethic and a high draft pick. Together. Like hot ice — it's the best of both worlds!



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