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Kevin last won the day on December 6 2022

Kevin had the most liked content!

About Kevin

  • Birthday 05/26/1975


  • Location
    Central NJ


  • Interests
    Hockey, Golf

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BSBH Champion

BSBH Champion (12/14)

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  1. PK’s a bitch…and so’s our PK! Let’s f’n go and finish this off!
  2. I’d bring Kakko back in for Vesey Sunday. A little humble pie sometimes goes a long way. Maybe he starts moving his feet a little quicker?
  3. I’d like to see a true defensive effort in this game and totally limit the number of chances the Habs get. Trivia is Steve Vickers
  4. Keep Jones in and start resting the other guys. Key can definitely use a break from Troubs
  5. It wasn’t because they weren’t skating Sam. It was because Trouba was playing.
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