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RodrigueGabriel last won the day on August 2 2021

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About RodrigueGabriel

  • Birthday 09/23/1960


  • Location
    DC Area


  • Interests
    hockey, baseball, music, photography,books

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BSBH Champion

BSBH Champion (12/14)

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  1. Les Habitants gave up 7 unanswered goals after being up 3-0 last night. Let's keep that ball rolling, boys!
  2. The Rangers only allowed 9 shots on him in the last 40 minutes. So some credit to the D.
  3. Something about that's why Igor makes the big bucks.
  4. 4th line putting it on their back.
  5. Rangers are 3 points out of a wildcard spot with roughly half a season to go. It's def not too late if they have somehow stumbled back into their confidence/mojo.
  6. Got my 20 min of gritty D and a little luck and whaddya know? Went from total suckage to two very high quality wins. Maybe - just maybe - the worst is behind.
  7. Playing a very good team pretty tight. Gimme 20 more minutes of this and a little luck.
  8. I don't know if it's the best they've played, but it's def the most spirit and energy they've put in since October. Don't know the dynamic in the room, but it does seem like they shook off some of the doom and gloom.
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