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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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With the time constraints of the show, and the fact that both were pretty ancillary to begin with, they had to be quick to move the storylines forward. I thought the show did a good job to move through those events quickly, rather than drag out stories that don't have anything to do with the main plots.


Except there is one important catch: Who would follow Ramsay realistically speaking? Not even talking about Lords, but his own men.

Of course he will have no problem, cause this is TV, but it's a bit weak anyway.

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Yes the Karstarks, but only until they notice he doesn't have any men except them, then they can act alone anyway. :D

Or so it would be, if he wasn't a comic book villain who will have men, cause he wouldn't be much of a villain without them.


It's the same question that doomed Stannis: Who will follow a man who murders his own kin? An unpredictable madman too, who loves to torture and hunt down people for fun.

Maybe we can argue that Karstark brought enough men to keep the Bolton men from revolting and derserting for now.

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It was a fantastic episode indeed, although I didn't love that two characters were brought up so quickly again and then offed. I think a big part of this was a set-up for an obvious future battle between the new lord at one place and one returning home in the other, who... have *cough* some history.


Not sure I found the awakening particularly engrossing. It's fine they weren't there, but the ceremony... I mean. What happened? Some words? It was fire, and blood, and craziness. Now burning hair and some words wake someone up? Weird.

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Yes the Karstarks, but only until they notice he doesn't have any men except them, then they can act alone anyway. :D

Or so it would be, if he wasn't a comic book villain who will have men, cause he wouldn't be much of a villain without them.


It's the same question that doomed Stannis: Who will follow a man who murders his own kin? An unpredictable madman too, who loves to torture and hunt down people for fun.

Maybe we can argue that Karstark brought enough men to keep the Bolton men from revolting and derserting for now.


Who will follow a man who murders his own kin, an unpredictable madman who love to torture and hunt down people for fun? Plenty of people throughout human history. That's the nature of tyrannical dictators. Ruling through fear. Yes, sometimes they are disposed from within and sometimes from without. You're also talking about a people who's entire culture is grounded in the skinning of their enemies.

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Except there is one important catch: Who would follow Ramsay realistically speaking? Not even talking about Lords, but his own men.

Of course he will have no problem, cause this is TV, but it's a bit weak anyway.

I think the fact that he won't get any real followers is important in Ramsey getting his comeuppance. He'll inevitably fall, but I doubt the creators are going to give him a ton of power or anything that excuses all of his evil. Not having followers, and left entirely alone, would be fitting for his end.

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Who will follow a man who murders his own kin, an unpredictable madman who love to torture and hunt down people for fun? Plenty of people throughout human history. That's the nature of tyrannical dictators. Ruling through fear. Yes, sometimes they are disposed from within and sometimes from without. You're also talking about a people who's entire culture is grounded in the skinning of their enemies.


Not easy ruling through fear, when your people have places to run to. ;)

He will have a few followers as cruel as him, but most people followed his father not him. He doesn't have an established following even within the bannermen of the Boltons. Let alone the rest of the North.



That would be the logical end.


For the record, I don't think it was a move Ramsay wouldn't do. It certainly fits his character as it was established. It just sets him on a pretty obvious path to doom, which feels a bit cheap, especially since his father was supposed to be the big bad antagonist, not Ramsay.

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Wonder how GRRM is feeling about that.


Amusingly I am currently reading a book he wrote in the 80s and the protagonist is a writer with writersblock who hates his agent for reminding him of his deadlines. :rofl:



Any date on his new book and wonder how inline will his book be with the show ?

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this might have been my favorite episode since the red wedding.


felt like the episode was 20 min given how engrossing it was.


Give me more Tyrion and Varys. I propose a bunch of hope / Crosby road to morocco remakes after this.


More won won the giant... that was priceless the way he offed the archer


Sansa heading to the wall and rightly so.


lannisters growing there balls back. Jaime wont be that careless being out gunned by the faith again


love how there handling the 3 eyed raven story line.


no sam / gilly plot yet. hope they get a year off.


where the hell is little finger?


see ya roose.... you had it coming


resurrection was well done. more ghost please.

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Tyrion is cranking out the one liners. While it's funny, I'm hoping it's not a constant thing, where he becomes some sort of comedy side show.


He has had great lines and funny comments since the first book/episode. I see what your concern is now that the show is new territory so to say but I doubt it becomes an issue. That "that's what I do.. Know things and drink wine" line was great lol

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He has had great lines and funny comments since the first book/episode. I see what your concern is now that the show is new territory so to say but I doubt it becomes an issue. That "that's what I do.. Know things and drink wine" line was great lol


He's comic relief while being the smartest guy in the room. I think he's a very well drawn character. One of the best on the show.

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Aside from Tyrion still being on the sidelines and the slow drag of Danys storyline, another good episode. (well and of course everyones least favorite couple is a downer too, as always)

Can we skip to the part in Danys life, when her dragons arrive and she leads the united Dothraki as their new Khaleesi of all Khaleesi?


But yeah, breaks are off, we're on fast track towards the end.

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With regard to Arya's learning to "see":



Wonder why they cut out the bit about her also being a warg. She sort of "cheats" in the books, and uses the sight of animals around her to learn to fight blind. I guess they wanted to hammer home how much of an actual badass she's becoming?


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Grand Northern Conspiracy is true, IMO. The more I've read the recent articles/blogs detailing the evidence, the more I'm convinced Rickon's return is entirely staged by SmallJon Umber and the North who are going to attempt to restore a Stark to the Northern houses. If that's Sansa or Jon, I'm not sure, because R+L=J is probably also true... so how "Stark" is he, really?
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