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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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Was definitely a Game of Titties episode, but it was great despite that (as if seeing tits is ever a bad thing).


Loved the way they handled Tyrion's wedding to Sansa and the discomfort that followed with the whole bedding ceremony. Really great acting from all parties involved.

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I've learned that I'm really going to have to bite my lip and do my absolute best to suffer through any Sansa scenes if I'm going to have any prayer of enjoying this show from here on out. I know it's irrational, but God....I HATE her. Like, I know I'm supposed to hate Joffrey and Cersei and view Sansa as a sympathetic character, but I just find myself gritting my teeth every time I see her, and I'd take either of those Lannisters over her. The voice, the naivety/ignorance, the facial expressions, etc. Sometimes I really wish she were just Stamkos in a wig.
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She's annoying and hideous to look at. I don't think she's pretty at all, and she's always whining. Just kill yourself already.





Seriously, King's Landing and that castle are all pretty high up. The railing is right there girl. Just grow a set and do it already. And yes, I've read the books so I know that's not going to happen. But, doesn't change the fact that I just wish she'd do it already.


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Seriously, King's Landing and that castle are all pretty high up. The railing is right there girl. Just grow a set and do it already. And yes, I've read the books so I know that's not going to happen. But, doesn't change the fact that I just wish she'd do it already.


SHHHHHH, I haven't read the books, let me hope she dies.

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Sansa lives in a fantasy world. That's her problem. She's playing the part of the princess 14 year old girl who refuses to give up on the dreams she was taught as a child.


14 year old girl that watched her father's head get chopped off by the king she was supposed to marry. Not to mention all the other torments she's gone through since. You guys are ruthless. I hope you all realize that a lot of what she says now is what she thinks other people want to hear or that she's supposed to say. She's trying to survive.


Sure, she was relieved thinking maybe, after this nightmare she's been in, that she'd get to have her happy ending with Loras, but who wouldn't in her situation?

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14 year old girl that watched her father's head get chopped off by the king she was supposed to marry. Not to mention all the other torments she's gone through since. You guys are ruthless. I hope you all realize that a lot of what she says now is what she thinks other people want to hear or that she's supposed to say. She's trying to survive.


Sure, she was relieved thinking maybe, after this nightmare she's been in, that she'd get to have her happy ending with Loras, but who wouldn't in her situation?


I've read the books. I'm aware. I'm just saying, she still clings to the fantasy world she wants out of life. She refuses to accept that life, or at least hers, is much uglier.

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Oh, that's a different story all together. I think she's...OK, but doesn't look 14 at all.


Yea. That's what makes it awkward for me. She looks 22 and she's acting 14. That's what has me saying "Get a grip and shut the fuck up."

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and she'll never say what she thinks will be wrong because shes seen what happens when others do. She's very much a pawn in the game of thrones, and only time will tell if that changes.


I like the way they parallel her and Margaery. Just about the same age. Same position. Much different girls.

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Oh sweet, that Sansa debate again.

I really want to imagine you guys in a situation you can't get out off. Let's see whether you jump at every dream of a possible escape, no matter how unrealistic it is.


I'd argue that her fantasies are the only thing keeping her sane by now.


Yeah she is annoying, but there really is not much room for her to grow. Defiance is a bit too much to expect of her.


I'd argue further, but that would spoil again.




btw. did Sam really leave that dagger behind? Why is he acting like he's a dumb guy in a bad horror movie?

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Oh sweet, that Sansa debate again.

I really want to imagine you guys in a situation you can't get out off. Let's see whether you jump at every dream of a possible escape, no matter how unrealistic it is.


I'd argue that her fantasies are the only thing keeping her sane by now.


Yeah she is annoying, but there really is not much room for her to grow. Defiance is a bit too much to expect of her.


I'd argue further, but that would spoil again.




btw. did Sam really leave that dagger behind? Why is he acting like he's a dumb guy in a bad horror movie?


I actually watched the episode now and yeah.. he seemed to have left the dagger behind.


Great episode. It was great seeing Daario.


This season is going to make me miss this show for a whole damn year again. It just went by so quickly.

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I guess it's comparative for me, as far as the whole Sansa thing is concerned. Let's review the Stark children:

1) Robb - father executed, wages war on the world

2) Arya - watched her father be executed, is composing a list and attempting to enact revenge on all involved

3) Bran/Rickon - despite being the youngest, are currently subsisting in the wild while undertaking a journey to the Wall. Watched their home burn, and they're persevering and picking up the pieces.

4) Jon Snow - murdered a fellow member of the Night's Watch as part of an undercover operation, is about to attack the Night's Watch, and in between got laid and climbed the Wall


and then:

5) Sansa - crying, crying, crying. Named her fucking DIREWOLF "Lady," and is waiting for Prince Charming to swoop in on a steed of gold and rescue her from all this. Don't worry, the Fairy Godmother will wave her magic wand and make it all better. Just keep doing what your doing and maybe try sobbing a little more.


THAT'S why I can't stand Sansa, on the show or in the books. The ONLY Stark child that hasn't had the dreamworld bubble burst, but rather continues to live in it and fall for every...fucking...deception.

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shes definitely there to show the reader/watcher that the fairy tale medieval world told time and time again in countless stories is a giant crock of shit. Its almost like Martin taking a character from that bullshit fairy tale and transporting them into what its really like and showing their culture shock. So I think that jarring effect of her being so out of place in this world is totally intentional.
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