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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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Yep. Remember what King Robert says in the HBO Series? 'That's all The Realm is today; lying, scheming, backstabbing and money-grubbing.' With the exception of the Starks, I think this is the most accurate description of the series.


P.S. Starting to get the picture about Storm of Swords yet?



Sort of. I was upset to see Arya get betrayed again, but it isn't quite as dark and evil as you've suggested - not yet anyway. The whole Jon Snow storyline is fucking whacked out...I'll give you that much. I just got to Sam's first PoV chapter. Honestly, I'm getting kind of sick of the Nights Watch storyline - it's the same thing.... Jon is awesome, ooooh scary wildlings, dead guy rises, we're all cold and shit.


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Sort of. I was upset to see Arya get betrayed again, but it isn't quite as dark and evil as you've suggested - not yet anyway. The whole Jon Snow storyline is fucking whacked out...I'll give you that much. I just got to Sam's first PoV chapter. Honestly, I'm getting kind of sick of the Nights Watch storyline - it's the same thing.... Jon is awesome, ooooh scary wildlings, dead guy rises, we're all cold and shit.



Yes, the Night's Watch storyline takes a long time to develop - right now most of the action is about the War of the Five Kings and Dany. At this point, I'm fairly certain that the Night's Watch storyline will be the end game of things, and some interesting things will happen along the way.


Again, reserve judgement for after you read the entire book. Most of the dramatic events tend to happen close to the end ;)


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Yes, the Night's Watch storyline takes a long time to develop - right now most of the action is about the War of the Five Kings and Dany. At this point, I'm fairly certain that the Night's Watch storyline will be the end game of things, and some interesting things will happen along the way.


Again, reserve judgement for after you read the entire book. Most of the dramatic events tend to happen close to the end ;)



If I have my wits about me - I'd have to say that at this particular moment, I don't expect much of the Tully clan to be standing at the end of SOS - things look dark for them. The Stark kids will all be alive, save maybe Robb, who at this point might be killed in his sleep by either Catelyn or a Frey (just came back from war with a wife)


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@Dane (anyone else: do absolutely not read until you finished Volume 3)


Nah, the ending is the big bonus for suffering through the book, don't you think? :D The deaths at the end really gave something back. :D



Oh yeah, I love the scene when Tyrion loses it and murders Shae and Tywin. That was poetic justice at its best! :D


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Oh yeah, I love the scene when Tyrion loses it and murders Shae and Tywin. That was poetic justice at its best! :D



In the end, Tywin Lannister didn't shit gold. :D TV-Shae actually appears to be too smart in comparison to book-Shae, would you agree? She seems to habe wits on par with Tyrion in the Show, but is rather ignorant and in the end plain stupid in the book.


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I think what disturbes me a bit is that they made the cultural differences look so big in the show. The north is kinda like I'd imagine England during the middle ages, while the south is kinda mediterrane with those palms and stuff. From the books I imagined it more like the North being Scotland to the Souths England. :D

Really minor thing though, show's still great.

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I did too, but I dig what they did with the show.




YES, its one of the few examples ever where I actually liked how they portraited something better in the movie/show than what my own interpretation of it was after reading it. LOVE the eyrie in the show!!

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I think what disturbes me a bit is that they made the cultural differences look so big in the show. The north is kinda like I'd imagine England during the middle ages, while the south is kinda mediterrane with those palms and stuff. From the books I imagined it more like the North being Scotland to the Souths England. :D

Really minor thing though, show's still great.


that is kind of how i saw it too but I like how they did it as well.



on a side note I finally finished GoT lmao


Still cant believe how close to the book they stayed but all the better.

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