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A Song of Ice & Fire (Book Discussion Only) *Possible Spoilers Inside*


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I haven't read the books. I'm not saying they should deviate, just saying that not many writers make everyone fair game.


This was one of the biggest reasons I loved the books right away, despite being a made up fantasy story it's written with such realistic feel, people in this story act like people really would act, in most stories like this they dont. These are tough dirty nasty bloody times and the story portrays it without flinching.

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Robb Stark, the King of the North is born.


Jon Snow, true Soldier of the Night's Watch is born.


Daenerys Stormborn is reborn.


Three Targareyon dragons are born.




I can't fuckin' wait for Spring 2012!


Yes...way too long god dammit! BTW Daenerys is FIERCE....love the cast of her, she's gorgeous (at least in my eyes) yet at the same time very strong, superb casting. LOVE HER.

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Hardly anything? Seeds have been planted, dude. A number of them. What do you consider "big" in terms of events — killing off major characters in every episode, or finale?


• Sansa has developed hatred for Joffrey and is likely to grow leaps and bounds as a character because of what her "prince" did and continues to do to her.

• Robb Stark has united the Northern kingdoms and their allegiance to him as the would-be King is sworn as they head to war with the Lannister's and the South.

• The Night's Watch are spilling out north of the wall to take on "whatever may come" in search of Benjin Stark.

• Jon Snow has solidified his allegiance to the wall.

• Tyrion Lannister is set to be appointed the Hand of the King in place of his own brother Jamie, the odds on favorite, if Tywin conquers the throne, warring against his own family, but still distrusts his own father, successfully planting a major seed of doubt to his allegiance to his own family and his true intentions there of.

• Jorah Mormont has sworn allegiance to Daenerys Stormborn, a character who's taken the largest strides in the show, by far, despite being offered a pardon by the King to return to his actual home land.

• Jamie Lannister has been captured and is likely to be used as bait to draw Tywin and his army into ambush.

• Arya is being taken north among boy slaves, including the Armorer's apprentice, who's likely to become a moderate player in the series, protecting her along the way (my guess).

• Khal Drogo is dead, and the Dothraki have left the side of Daenerys, and in the process three dragon babies were born.


You call that "hardly anything" happening? I gotta ask — what show are you watching?


This is a cult show, man... if you're not impressed with episodes like tonights, I honestly can't see how you would want to continue watching this series in general. You are subjecting yourself to the wrong kind of programming. This is a story told across four books, with a fifth on the way. It's a long journey. You're gonna need to learn to love the intricacies of the story-telling if you expect to last long, IMO.

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LOL. All I'm saying is that for me a season finale should have more shock/awe. This one, while it laid out next season fine, was boring to me.


I'm sorry if that upsets you Phil.. Take a xanax and stop worrying if this is the right programming for me to watch. haha

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Doesn't upset me, I just don't understand how you can consider this a let-down. It planted the four largest seeds to set up for the next season of any seeds planted since the show began.


Were you disappointed with many episodes this season?

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LOL. All I'm saying is that for me a season finale should have more shock/awe. This one, while it laid out next season fine, was boring to me.


I'm sorry if that upsets you Phil.. Take a xanax and stop worrying if this is the right programming for me to watch. haha


i haven't even watched it yet, but i know what happens and i agree, how can you say that nothing happens? dragons... ? that's not a good finale?


there's so many story lines at the end of the book that i couldn't wait to read the next one.


serious question, what could they have done differently to hold your attention?

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Nope. Like I said, I just expected something more to happen this one, being the finale and all. With the exception of the Daenerys scene at the end, it just seemed to feel like a normal episode in the way it unfolded.


But come on, I've talked about this before, people....this is not a made up tv series for tv alone...this is ONE story orignally written in book form unfolded over 10 episodes....that means what happened in the book will happen more or less in the show, what I'm talking about is that people should really refrain from rating episode to episode...It's ONE STORY...simply divided because we can't sit 10 hours in front of the tv in one go....for example the book might have chapters but it doesn't have episodes...its one story and you put it down when you feel like it. I think they have done a pretty good job so far to have several interesting things happen in each episode over the season and as Phil said this last episode had several things happening, not the least the proclamation of a new king and the birth of 3 dragons, a creature beleived extinct.

When shows are created and written directly for TV like for example Friends...then you can start rating episode to episode because they are written to start and finish with in that one episode of the week.

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That's true. Exactly. They shot their load to soon.


well, that's the way the book is written.


if you watch dexter, they have some seasons where everything wraps up neat and some where the last scene is f'n epic. but they can do that because they aren't working off of anything that exists already.

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That's true. Exactly. They shot their load to soon.


I disagree. As Momentum noted, this isn't an episode-to-episode type show where you can really gauge the value of the story being told in each — it's a book of one large story being told per season, episode-by-episode.


That's why I was saying you need to learn to love the intricacies of the story-telling, because it's all woven into one. It's not meant to be read "chapter by chapter", as the books don't even have them.

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I understand all this.. but even if I was reading the book and this was the end of it I'd be disappointed. In the end of books, even in series of books, story lines either close or have a significant development/question that hangs over into the next book. The ending of the season just seemed to march on with no great closure or revelation besides Daenerys.


That is MY perspective. You don't have to agree with it or try to convince me otherwise. Can you accept that? lol

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finishing it up now. awesome episode. except for the pycelle scene. not sure what was going on there. they always have to throw in one head scratcher an episode for me.


waiting a year for the next season is going to suck balls.

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finishing it up now. awesome episode. except for the pycelle scene. not sure what was going on there. they always have to throw in one head scratcher an episode for me.


waiting a year for the next season is going to suck balls.


Same. I had no clue what that was all about.

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Same. I had no clue what that was all about.


well, that redhead hadn't been naked in a few episodes, so i guess it was time to throw her goodies back in.


people might turn it off if there's no nudity:rolleyes:

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HA! That wasn't even the concern. I'm fine with the nudity (or without), and obviously she's... easy on the eyes, but I just didn't understand what the value of the dialogue really was, or what the whole thing with him stretching afterward, only to hobble again once he left his chambers was all about.
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HA! That wasn't even the concern. I'm fine with the nudity (or without), and obviously she's... easy on the eyes, but I just didn't understand what the value of the dialogue really was, or what the whole thing with him stretching afterward, only to hobble again once he left his chambers was all about.


i didn't mean you specifically.


my gf said it was to show that he wasn't as frail as he played. i dunno, i already knew he was a conniving bastard. definitely seemed pointless.

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