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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Same. Keeps me out of major debt and pays for my trips to the US.



It's tough, and I'll stay in school a bit longer since I'm taking less classes.


But it is an internship and I'm learning my field, plus I can always work less hours when I feel like things are getting hectic.


I love it, because I can buy the things I want and help my family with shit around the house since we are financially not doing so well. but who really is these days? 99%!!

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It's tough, and I'll stay in school a bit longer since I'm taking less classes.


But it is an internship and I'm learning my field, plus I can always work less hours when I feel like things are getting hectic.


I love it, because I can buy the things I want and help my family with shit around the house since we are financially not doing so well. but who really is these days? 99%!!


I work in the evening hours and on my day off during the week and during the weekend I help my mom run our family business. After my dad passed away I helped her keep it going and it's been a lot of great experience for me. I hope it helps on my resume that I was the assistant owner of a fairly succesful smaller business while working my way through college and working another job for 15+ hours a week.

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Very helpful man, it's a huge part of the resume, that's why I love working. Experience and money, and meeting new people!


I meet the new people through both jobs. I work as a private driver. You meet some very interesting folks, I'll tell you that. :D

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Don't get me wrong. Last year at my old school I worked 35 hours a week and was a full-time student. Just can't handle that load anymore with the new school.


What the heck? I would be working and studying 80 hours a week if I did that and that's burn-out material at our age. I need my time off too.

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Don't get me wrong. Last year at my old school I worked 35 hours a week and was a full-time student. Just can't handle that load anymore with the new school.


I'm gonna be working 40 hours a week, plus whatever freelance work I do, and going to school full time next year...cant waaaaaaaaaaaaaait.

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