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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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Bitch was all up in my face with drinks. Fuck that shit. I was talking.


I would have just been like:


"Leave the bottle of Jack on the table and I'll get to it when I want to, Toots."


...kay, probably not, but still.

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For all but one month of 2012 I lived in a really nice studio apartment on my own and I've always learned from my parents to be really energy efficient. I turned my heating low or off when I left the house, I used water saving faucets, I showered 2 degrees colder than standard setting, in the winter I taped my windows shut and I used different bulbs.


This apartment building charged the cost based on average use estimates for everyone else and then checked actual cost later and repaid or charged the difference. My energy efficiency was so good last year, they just refunded me nearly half the cost of a plane ticket to the US. I was 40% more energy efficient than the average person on my block.


Laugh all you want, being green puts some green back in your pocket sometimes. :)

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Watched the first season of Vikings.. not all that bad. Not quite HBO, but decent enough.


Nice. I opened a thread for it in the TV section. I think momentum and Puck Head are watching as well.

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dad won a contest haha. Hiking in Transylvania for a week. At the very least its something I can say that I've done that not many others can


He won a week of hiking? What was second place? Digging ditches for a week in Siberia?

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