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[RS] (#25) Rangers at Boston Bruins // Cocaine Bear Blues

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This is the problem. He seems lost. Can't seem to figure out why they make the same mistakes and can't get it right.


We need a Tortsesque presence.


Well they say he’s a yeller. He also demands a certain style, like Torts does. Unfortunately for him, this team fell into a bunch of skilled players that don’t fit his style.

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Well they say he’s a yeller. He also demands a certain style, like Torts does. Unfortunately for him, this team fell into a bunch of skilled players that don’t fit his style.


Team was better when it was plugs filling up half the roster. I think that says something.

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This is the problem. He seems lost. Can't seem to figure out why they make the same mistakes and can't get it right.


We need a Tortsesque presence.


He panics when they let up a goal. Lines were jumbled 10 minutes into the game after they gave up a goal. I don't know how the team can function that way, he doesn't give them a chance to right the ship.

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A lot of umm'ing and hawing by Quinn in the post game presser. The guy really doesn't give the impression of having any answers on how to handle this team...


He doesn't know. The offense was good when Panarin and Zib just did their own thing. That's the solution. The offense has 0 answers when those guys aren't playing (well).


One shot and done. No sustained pressure. No second chances.

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A lot of umm'ing and hawing by Quinn in the post game presser. The guy really doesn't give the impression of having any answers on how to handle this team...


Struck that tonight's psotgame was a guy going through the motions, like he's resigned to this being over for him.

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We all figured this team wasn’t going to be great, but I think we expected this team to be playing better than they are. This is the 4th time, second by the Bruins, that this team has been shut out this season. I don’t mind if they play well and lose, but games like this are becoming more and more the reality with this team. It’s hard to watch this team right now. Changes behind the bench and in the front office need to be made now.
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Wow. Even Fox didn't look good. That means no one looked good. I have previously said that missing the playoffs might be acceptable, but being 10 points out after just 28 games (half way) would not be acceptable three years after the letter. It looks like that's where we will be. Georgie needed to be sat for 10 days to work with Benoit. Now, at least, that may happen.


You Vally detractors should at least concede that he doesn't spend his wardrobe stipend at Kohls!

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We'll never get back these 3 wasted hours. Nobody on the team did anything right. The amount of stupid decisions with the puck was the highest it's been to date. Completely embarrassing. Fire everyone.


Thats why I almost never watch the games live. Always Dvr it and watch like an hour later so i can skip all the commercials. Tonight i fast forwarded thru the 3rd period.

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This has been the saddest I've been watching the Rangers in a really long time. A good amount of talent, but there's just barely any life. I really hope it's still COVID with Mika and eventually he'll recover or else this is one the biggest falls from grace I've ever seen. He was very good two years ago, brought it to another level last year, and now it looks like he doesn't know how to play hockey. If it was COVID, did he come back too quickly? Should he have rested a bit more before resuming hockey activities? It's an unsolved mystery. All we need is a Robert Stack narration.


I'm not he biggest fan of Trouba, but even he's regressed which is also hurting the team. I didn't think he was phenomenal last year by any stretch, but the decline in play from a year ago is quite clear. It's just....hardly anyone looks like they're into it, and I think they really need a new voice before permanent damage is done to confidence.

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