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[RS] (#25) Rangers at Boston Bruins // Cocaine Bear Blues

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One thing I will say is that the entertainment value of reading through all these posts the morning after, is WAY more entertaining than that puke I watched last night. The Kohls jokes are absolutely priceless!!!


Josh, you have the World title for the week, man!! :worship:


For the record though, I'm starting to buy into the whole "Quinn replacement" thing.....after this season, they have quite a bit of dead wood to unload, and I wouldn't be against replacing Gorton with Drury either.


These type games are absolutely and totally unacceptable.

I felt the air go out of the team as soon as Georgie let up Pasta's 57 footer.

..and Krejci scoring his first of the season on a shot from outside the zip code, sent me right to the fridge for another!

He's just god awful...:palm:

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Agree Oz that reading this thread was funny as heck! Agree too that this NYR balloon has a serious leak and has landed back on earth. IF not a change to Drury, then at least have JD tell Quinn to play the young guys and damn the outcome, just get them experience and mileage under their belts. Yeah, a few years past "the letter" and this? I'll still stand up for my boys and talk shit with any NJD or NYI fan but inwardly, I'm perplexed. Looking forward to F1, MLS and MLB.
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Agree Oz that reading this thread was funny as heck! Agree too that this NYR balloon has a serious leak and has landed back on earth. IF not a change to Drury, then at least have JD tell Quinn to play the young guys and damn the outcome, just get them experience and mileage under their belts. Yeah, a few years past "the letter" and this? I'll still stand up for my boys and talk shit with any NJD or NYI fan but inwardly, I'm perplexed. Looking forward to F1, MLS and MLB.


We're still gonna get there, big guy!


I wasn't expecting this season, or next season to be anything more than a dress rehearsal, but playing like what they have this past week, is not what I had in mind. We're going to have to make some changes, as expected. I was hoping Quinn would get more out of them, but it seems this squad is going to need a more prominent, experienced coach to send the message a little louder, and a little clearer.


I can't kill Gorton. He's done a pretty good job, in my opinion, but with Drury waiting in the wings, I'd hate to let a guy with what seems like a ton of potential, slip away....especially when it looks like the time to make these changes will be upon us after this season.


I'm ok with playing out the season with this crew, and giving the young guys more experience....I actually liked Chytil between Kakko and Laffy last night for a few shifts!!! Kinda reminded me of the old "Kid Line" in Edmonton with Graves, Gelinas and Murphy!!! :thumbs:

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I think it's just near impossible for this team to win in front of Georgiev when he starts the game letting in another softie. Just pure 12 - 6 let down for the entire team. I think it just tightens everyone up knowing that regardless of how they play, it might not be good enough. Honestly i feel like I'm personally beating a dead horse but if he's due to start another game i might not watch because it's so brutal. I watch 15 y.o's consistently making saves that he doesn't.


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So, what I don't think I posted last night because I was fucking losing it...


In the third period, why the fuck did he put the #1 PP unit back out there? For 2 different powerplays?


It really showed how out of touch he is with the team, players, and their play.

If your excuse is to try to get Zibanejad going - last night wasnt it. Even in the third he just stood around, forced to go through the motions. You dont break out of slumps or find your game dogging it.

If your next excuse is still to get Zibanejad going - he's had 25 fucking games for this to happen. Give the kids a chance during a blow out loss in which veterans showed no fucking care in the world. Get a clue!

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Zibanejads one timer has been burning my ass for three years. It has never been good. People have said if he could get his one timer working again as if it has worked well in the past. He winds up and blasts it wide and if the D are lucky they can keep it in. I really don't think covid has anything to do with Zibs play. The Rangers bubble team was just as bad. My whole family and many others I know had covid and everyone came away perfectly healthy after 7-10 days.
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