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About Art20c

  • Birthday 12/27/1960

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  1. Definitely he wasn't what I expected. I remember that day as it was yesterday. Cup I thought. I was overseas that day and my buddy the one we had season tix together called me. I was like Holly shit. Cup. Dynasty. None of that happened. I believe that was short season due to renegotiations of salary cup thing. Nash went overseas to play and came back injured. And I believe that was first year of AV as headcoach
  2. Oh I got another one. Al Montoya. Wasted 6th overall on him in 04. Still under Glenn’s reign.
  3. Not getting Jagr signed at the end of his original Wash contact and just letting him go to play over in Russia for i believe another 4 years. Oh yeah forgot to tell the players name. Glenn Sather.
  4. Byfield just signed 5 year deal with over 6 mil per year cap hit. Can’t even imagine how much Lafs camp will ask for.
  5. Do it. Buy out and then sign to a minImum. Goodrow will not loose anything financially. But rangers will gain cap money.
  6. Who was the idiot who backhanded the puck in the middle for fla to take over? He had a guy open on his forehand with no panther insight. . Decided to back hand it to the middle. Next thing was a goal. Anybody noticed who it was?
  7. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein. Definition of Rangers in these series
  8. I do not know much about analytical models but I’m assuming offense rating and defense rating combined gives us a net rating, ie 18 offense plus 24 defense equals net 42 rating for the rangers. But if I apply same logic to Florida net rating something is fucked up tnere. 59 plus 22 does not add up to net rating of 80. Ether it is me who don’t know shit or athletics who can’t put two and two together.
  9. Losing 2 games to none lead 2 years in the row wasn’t embarrassing enough. Now they trying to go into history by losing lead 3 games to none.
  10. I don’t think absence of Rempe last game was the reason why we lost. To me the reason was not-so-good defense and inability to win battles along the boards. On top of all everything that played in our favor first 3 games ie pk and pp let us down.
  11. Without Rempe rangers are getting ravaged like Elizabeth Shue in "leaving Las Vegas"
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