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Valriera last won the day on June 23

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About Valriera

  • Birthday 03/31/1987

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  1. Pretty much the floor for Laffy, although I’d rather lock him up for 8
  2. This is absolutely a major issue. New York's state income tax is 10% over $1M. For the players that matter, this is $100k annually on every million they make over 1. On a roughly $80M salary cap, this is an $8M advantage that no-tax states have. I fail to see how this is not a major issue. That's an entire first line player.
  3. There’s just not that many high impact one year deals out there, so not a big deal. Better off trying to roll the dice at the deadline, although I don’t understand the smith deal in that light. Regardless I’m not surprised by today, next summers crunch is real and the same team’s shot at the cup can still happen this coming playoff. If they want to, of course.
  4. That is a decent deal but honestly I'd rather just have kept the picks.
  5. I'm not sure what the expectation was? Literally no deal on any of the relevant players signed today fits onto our team after this year. It's depth via FA and then a trade must be made otherwise.
  6. We don’t, bc of next year. Likely will sign some one year skinner or similar deal is my guess.
  7. I’d want lindgren higher without the move protection
  8. Yikes, that is also a nice number but basically move proof if he goes downhill. Huge risk for the leafs imo
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