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Sony's new PlayStation 4 will focus on streaming games across a network of devices and tapping into social gaming, executives said today.

This means faster downloading times, video clip share buttons, and the ability to take over a friend's controller when they are in need of assistance, the company highlighted at its event in New York today.



Mark Cerny, the lead system architect for PS4, said the console system's OnLive network will have a seamless upload experience. This means players can start playing the first part of a game before it is done downloading.


Additionally, PS4 boasts integration third party and services, phones, and tablets -- you'll be able to use your smartphone to view gameplay videos and challenge friends.

Along with Cerny's announcement, Sony featured cloud-gaming firm Gaikai's contributions to PS4. Gaikai CEO Dave Perry said your friends will be able to virtually look over your shoulder and interact with you as you play, as well as post comments on their screens.



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It looks great and being able to use the Vita as a remote is going to absolutely kill Nintendo's WiiU, but the graphics looked like a more polished PS3 and there was no console to be seen. That made a little disappointing and it felt like this announcement was rushed in order to beat Microsoft by a couple months.


I'm hoping a new Xbox will show bigger graphical upgrade than PS4 over PS3, because imagery wise it wasn't impressive at all.

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Are all games going to be streaming? Don't think they are doing away with physical copies just yet, no? Plus, how do you buy a used digital copy? I was reading an article where Amazon wanted to sell "used" ebooks. There is a ton of problems that can arise with that like who makes money off that used copy?


Not yet, but I'm guessing eventually...

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It looks great and being able to use the Vita as a remote is going to absolutely kill Nintendo's WiiU, but the graphics looked like a more polished PS3 and there was no console to be seen. That made a little disappointing and it felt like this announcement was rushed in order to beat Microsoft by a couple months.


I'm hoping a new Xbox will show bigger graphical upgrade than PS4 over PS3, because imagery wise it wasn't impressive at all.


problem with the remote control thing is that apparently the Vita needs to be plugged in to use it that way, according to Gizmodo (checking other places). Wii U you can take away from the console


oh and another point in favor of the Wii U is you dont need to spend 200 bucks on another console to be able to take games with you

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It looks great and being able to use the Vita as a remote is going to absolutely kill Nintendo's WiiU, but the graphics looked like a more polished PS3 and there was no console to be seen. That made a little disappointing and it felt like this announcement was rushed in order to beat Microsoft by a couple months.


I'm hoping a new Xbox will show bigger graphical upgrade than PS4 over PS3, because imagery wise it wasn't impressive at all.


It's hard to make graphically more substantial content. What will be the future is real time environments and graphically rendered worlds, vs the old way of rendering the foreground and using static images for the background.

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yeah youre gonna have a hard time generating discussion over how much RAM it has


Yes and no. Console gaming has become more casuals, so those people care about the looks of the machine, especially given how fugly the first PS3 and Xbox 360 models were. I think the more serious gamer wants to hear of the new next-gen can compete with strong gaming PCs. I, for one, would like to know and was not impressed by video last night.

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Yes and no. Console gaming has become more casuals, so those people care about the looks of the machine, especially given how fugly the first PS3 and Xbox 360 models were. I think the more serious gamer wants to hear of the new next-gen can compete with strong gaming PCs. I, for one, would like to know and was not impressed by video last night.


Hint: They can't


Prices of PC's have come down considerably so you no longer need to build a $1500 gaming rig to last you 4-5 years. In addition, there are more distribution methods and social features than there ever were for PC gaming thanks to Steam (which was just coming into its own back when the PS3 came out.)

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I realize they can't, but truth be told... this PS4 doesn't even look close.


Well, it's not so much about pushing the limits of graphics technology and processing power - and they highlighted this in the presentation.


It's about creating a social environment and a seamless multimedia experience. You'll notice they never talked about the technology because it's not what they're trying to sell anymore. They're trying to sell their "social button" on the controller, the enhanced profiles where friends can interact in real time, and games that allow that.


You'll notice that the game play demos weren't tech demos. They didn't talk about polygons on screen, multi-core rendering, advanced tessellation, or any techno mumbo jumbo. In fact, the game play for Killzone was medicare, highly derivative of all the CoD crap, and the graphics looked no better than Crysis. But again, it wasn't about the game or the tech. It was about the fact that he shared the video directly to Facebook with the push of a button. The same goes for all the other games.


This console isn't being geared towards people who care about hardware. But that's not to say that we're going to see console games with incredible graphics, short or even eliminated load times, and great open environments. It's just not going to be a completely new world of next gen gaming. Unfortunately, next gen gaming seems to be focused on social as opposed to tech, seamless storytelling, etc.

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If their online service continues to be free, I'm going to switch over to PlayStation when the first NextGen price cuts occur. For now, I'm hanging on with my Xbox360 but I probably won't re-up my live subscription. Unless Microsoft decides to pull a 180 and offer free online gaming.



I said that with the ps3 and hated it because I don't really play any single player games and don't know anyone on the ps3. I wanna say the same thing about the ps4 but I don't want to make te same mistake.


I'm thinking by the time December comes, most f my friends will e graduated and not worried about games.


I love gaming but have little less time than usual. Thinking of just going for the ps4

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