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Lucasfilm Confirms Michael Arndt to Write 'Star Wars: Episode VII'


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A day after THR reported that Michael Arndt has been working with Lucasfilm for several months on a treatment for the new Star Wars movie, Lucasfilm has confirmed that the Toy Story 3 scribe will write the screenplay for Episode VII.


Arndt had written a 40- to 50-page treatment that will bring the saga of the Skywalkers, the Force-imbued family comprising Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, to a close in a new trilogy. The story is said to focus on a new generation of heroes and would feature appearances by Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher in older incarnations of their beloved characters from the original Star Wars trilogy.


Sources have said not to discount the possibility that a number of characters from previous Star Wars films could reappear ? even the dead Jedis, who have a habit of showing up in spirit form.




It may be totally premature to say so, but this sounds quite a bit like a Saved By the Bell: The New Class rendition to me, specifically because of where it notes that the story is focusing so much on "new heroes", despite the potential for cameos of the franchises' more well-known faces.



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Rumor has it that the original scripts called for 9 movies, and that 7-8-9 were by far the best of them.


I find it hard for a Star Wars film to trump The Empire Strikes Back, but that's a tantalizing bit of info if true.


Then again, the most action packed of the movies (Episode 3) was COMPLETELY UNDONE by bad casting choices and poorer acting. Could you tell that Natalie Portman was pissed about something, because I sure could.

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I'd give he 6.5 of the best minutes of her life...


But back to Star Wars, it sounds to me like they are going to forego the Star Wars third trilogy that Lucas apparently had outlined at one point pretty deeply and focus on adapting a screen play to the Yuuzhan Vong era of Star Wars. It's actually a pretty perfect time to do it, as luke is at that point the elder, powerful leader of the Jedi, but Han and Leia all play pretty prominent roles within the story. I'm very interested now, as that time period has a lot of heart wrenching but amazing story lines. Yes I'm a Star Wars nerd, yes I have read many of the books, yeah yeah yeah. :p

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Could be good if that new group of heroes consists of the Solo children like Anakin, Jacen and Jaina which would pretty much enter the Yuuzhan Vong storyline and the second Galactic Civil War. Of course, that's what I'm hoping for. We might not get that.


Yeah I'm interested. In reality I think Timothy zahn's Thrawn was the most overall interesting Star Wars extended universe storyline. Zahn intermixed politics perfectly as integrated them into the Star Wars world in a way that not only made sense, but felt just like a continuation of the original trilogy. It's too bad he won't be involved in where the story is going, but the age of Hamel at this point probably has something to do with that. He will fit a lot more seamlessly into the Vong timeline age wise than he would Thrawn. Same with Harrison ford, but they will still need to do something. Kerry Fischer is going to have to start losing weight for this role lol.

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Yeah I'm interested. In reality I think Timothy zahn's Thrawn was the most overall interesting Star Wars extended universe storyline. Zahn intermixed politics perfectly as integrated them into the Star Wars world in a way that not only made sense, but felt just like a continuation of the original trilogy. It's too bad he won't be involved in where the story is going, but the age of Hamel at this point probably has something to do with that. He will fit a lot more seamlessly into the Vong timeline age wise than he would Thrawn. Same with Harrison ford, but they will still need to do something. Kerry Fischer is going to have to start losing weight for this role lol.


Aside from Harrison Ford, none of the original actors are in the physical condition to play the roles that they would have to if the story were to be about Thrawn and I don't think anyone wants to see some besides Hamill, Fisher or Ford playing their respective roles. I think we'd definitely Anthony Daniels back in some form, likely just voicing C-3PO if they choose to include his character. I'm honestly hoping for a Legacy of the Force storyline, but who knows that they'll go with.

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Aside from Harrison Ford, none of the original actors are in the physical condition to play the roles that they would have to if the story were to be about Thrawn and I don't think anyone wants to see some besides Hamill, Fisher or Ford playing their respective roles. I think we'd definitely Anthony Daniels back in some form, likely just voicing C-3PO if they choose to include his character. I'm honestly hoping for a Legacy of the Force storyline, but who knows that they'll go with.


I doub they go legacy. It's likely that they want to hit the big home run and pass the story line off to the next generation, because the skywalker and solo children really do setup a whole new generation of Star Wars stories.

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