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Game of Thrones (TV Show Discussion Only) *DO NOT POST SPOILERS*


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The mountain of bodies was so silly, like all fighters decided to die on that exact spot.

Plus Jon and his Army just standing there watching, while they are getting surrounded and don't have an idea like arming the Giant. He might be able to fight better.

Knowing Jon (and watching the trailer) he propably won't even say one angry word to Sansa about all this.


The fighting itself was filmed amazingly and got claustrophobic at times. Great camera work.


Yeah man, I was finding myself struggling to breathe when Jon was getting piled on.


Sansa was a bitch for leaving out the fact that little finger had been contacted. Why leave that out unless she wanted Jon out?


Tired of Daeny. She's just a boring predictable character. Take the damn dragons and kill everyone. Just go. Do it. Why wait?


What am I missing with the little deer statue that Davos found before the battle?

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Predictions for the finale?


Another White Walker cliff hanger, as well as a hound cliff hanger as well as a Cersi/Jaime/Brienne one.


Some kind of back stabbing within the Greyjoys.


Rift between Little Finger and Jon.


Only one weird unexpected death. Prolly Arya

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I don't really think you can blame Sansa. She can't even have a guarantee that the Vale would show up? What use is it to tell Jon that the Vale is coming and then potentially not have them show up? Maybe telling Jon in the first place would have accomplished something, but Sansa isn't stupid. If she thinks witholding information is necessary then she probably has some reason for it.


Jon also wasn't being portrayed as stupid. He acted irrationally, but that was the point. To show that despite all of the planning his loyalty to his family, seeing his brother having to run while being shot at with arrows, he instictually went to save his brother and paid the price of falling into Ramsay's trap. If anything it shows how smart Ramsay is and not how stupid Jon is.


It also shows that Sansa was right in telling Jon not to do what Ramsay would want him to do. There was no "plan." Sansa isn't a tactician. What ended up happening was only half of what she wanted. The Knights of the Vale came, but had to bail Jon and Co. out of situation that Sansa warned of. It likely wasn't avoidable. Jon wasn't going to just sit there staring while his brother gets shot at with arrows.

Oh she was right about many things, being silent about LF and thereby forcing Jon's hand invalidates most of it. She already was with the attacking Army of the Vale, so I find it hard to believe the Master of Teleportation and Information didn't manage to send her a Raven in between episodes.

Telling Jon she had another possible source of help, might have convinced Jon to wait, like she apparently wanted him to do. Of course Sansa has trust issues, which is understandable, but still.


Notice also how she offed Ramsay in the Bolton way, not the Stark one. Sweet revenge sure, but a notable change in personality. So I wouldn't trust Sansa too much if I were Jon. She never really liked him to begin with. :P


Jon is shown as stupid, cause after all he's been through he's still same old "You know nothing Jon Snow". Which makes him the good guy, but still somewhat stupid. You know, charging a whole Army alone stupid.

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Yeah man, I was finding myself struggling to breathe when Jon was getting piled on.


Sansa was a bitch for leaving out the fact that little finger had been contacted. Why leave that out unless she wanted Jon out?


Tired of Daeny. She's just a boring predictable character. Take the damn dragons and kill everyone. Just go. Do it. Why wait?


What am I missing with the little deer statue that Davos found before the battle?


That's the statue he made Stannis' daughter (forgot her name). He now knows she was burned alive

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episode 9 was my fav all time episode and best season since the red wedding.


i felt like it was the finale. anything i get sunday is just gravy.


only thing about the battle was the flanking maneuver. i saw it coming and hoped for something different. i'd rather have seen one of the bolton supporting houses change side mid battle. but im just nitpicking.... so solid and probably wins quite a few emmy's.

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So who is the father of Jon Snow? Lyanna Stark's line “If Robert finds out, he’ll kill him.”


I think that all but confirms the R+L=J theory, especially when, immediately after that scene, it cut to the "Jon Snow has Ned Stark's blood" scene.


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So who is the father of Jon Snow? Lyanna Stark's line “If Robert finds out, he’ll kill him.”



The going theory which seems to be confirmed is R + L = J, meaning Rhaegar Targaryen + Lyanna Stark = John Snow. Rhaegar was the son of the Mad King, killed by Robert Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar had two siblings, Viserys and Daenerys. So Daenerys is John Snow's aunt. The line "If Robert finds out" meant that Robert Baratheon would kill the infant John Snow because even as a bastard, he'd have a claim to the Iron Throne. Also being half Stark, it would complicate matters quite a bit for the North as well.


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The going theory which seems to be confirmed is R + L = J, meaning Rhaegar Targaryen + Lyanna Stark = John Snow. Rhaegar was the son of the Mad King, killed by Robert Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar had two siblings, Viserys and Daenerys. So Daenerys is John Snow's aunt. The line "If Robert finds out" meant that Robert Baratheon would kill the infant John Snow because even as a bastard, he'd have a claim to the Iron Throne. Also being half Stark, it would complicate matters quite a bit for the North as well.



Plus the well known hate Robert had for everything Targaryen. I'd guess it was already told around at that point.




Amazing finale for this season. So many great moments that I don't even mind the pointlessness of Sams whole plotline this season. :D


So hard to decide what was best, Cersei ridding herself of all her closest enemies in one go, creating tons of new ones further away. The way too badass Lady Mormont forcing kingship on Jon or Frey pie. :D

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Yeah Varys' appearance is my one nitpick. Him and Dany never met on-screen until that last scene on the ship. What she knows about him is that Jorah spied on her for him. I'm sure Tyrion explained to her that he can be trusted but one scene of her and Varys meeting and burying the hatchet wouldve been nice.
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I also thought it was kinda funny that they focused on one of the ships filled with Dothraki and everyone appeared to know what they were doing. No one appeared to be freaking out about any of it.


Opening scene of next season should be Daenerys doing a status check on the fleet and a smash cut to a bunch of Dothraki freaking out about some waves and fumbling with a sail. Maybe do a mockumentary of a Greyjoy sailor struggling to teach the Dothraki how to sail the ship.

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