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The Walking Dead


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I don't think so. I think he was most definitely humanized, and you saw that when he killed Martinez, screaming "I don't want it!". The "it" he was talking about was "the crown", which Martinez jokingly mentioned he'd share with him if he helped him to build up the camp again.


The problem is, you live in a world where men like him don't believe in right and wrong. Morality is utterly fluid. It's why he specifically told Kirk Acevedo's character (yay, Charlie Francis!) that there is no right and wrong, simply the "only" choice. Survive or die. With the Governor, the ends always justify the means. He's the yin to the Atlanta groups' yang, who are very much focused on the means, even if they share the same hopeful end.

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I'm thinking the same, and I'm only on book six, I believe, of the comics (not that they follow them implicitly to begin with), so I have no clue where this is going.


I actually think we're gonna lose like ten or eleven characters between both groups.

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I hate the Gov vs Prison storyline. We get it already, they don't like each other. Do we need to see if for the 3rd 'finale' in a row?


I was intrigued to see what would happen between Rick Tyreese and Darryl for the Carol thing.

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I'm thinking the same, and I'm only on book six, I believe, of the comics (not that they follow them implicitly to begin with), so I have no clue where this is going.


I actually think we're gonna lose like ten or eleven characters between both groups.


Do we even have 8 'major' characters?












I wouldn't consider Major -



Tyrese sister?



We know he picked up these girls so they can die, but they aren't major characters after 2 episodes.



My prediction -

So 3 girls, Fake "Shane", and a few randoms from new camp.

Herschel, Stookey, and a few randoms from prison.

Wild card could be Glenn. He finds out Brian murdered Herschel and does something stupid and gets himself killed. Ironic, after he just survived the flu.

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I was disappointed at first and now I approve. I'm kind of disliking the whole repeat of the season 2 finale with everybody lost and confused, but the fact that they took out two huge characters in that episode was good for once. I'm curious to see where they go. Michonne brought up Macon early in the season and I think that might be the next home for the group.
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