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Everything posted by delneggs

  1. Someone...ANYONE...needs to destroy Cousins with a hit and then punch his nose thru to the back of his head.
  2. If Jake is all that, there should be no reason to trade him, they could easily move Smith. They don't like what he will be asking in his next deal.
  3. There is no way they can afford an extension PLUS they already have too much cap space concentrated in to few players. Gunetzel will command 7 years at a big number, so no thanks to that. The Pens don't want to give him that contract and it's not because they don't want to win now. They just signed Malkin and Letang to deals to try to win one more with Crosby, so it's not like they are looking to rebuild. They just don't want to play a soon to be 30 years old big bucks for 7 or 8 more years, and I don't blame them.
  4. $1.275m for 1 year for a back up that can give them 25+/- quality starts a year is a good deal for the Rangers. Clearly Quickie works well with Benny and Igor, so this is a no brainer in my opinion.
  5. Not a reason to trade away one of their best forward prospects for a rental in my opinion. They have other RW options out there that won't cost them prime assets and can help them get better.
  6. No chance they can sign him long term....or should. The Pens know better and so should the Rangers.
  7. That was one hell of a game and fun to watch. Didn't win but got a point in Toronto, so nothing to complain about. Great hit by Rempe and then standing up to Reaves and holding his own with a busted up face was impressive. Good for him. Next game is going to be even tougher.
  8. Triggered...LOL. Parents shouldn't let their spoiled children on the internet.
  9. You got issues bro. I simply disagreed with your take and you think that's going Johnny Cochran? What are you 15 years old? Think what you want and go have fun in your safe space.
  10. I heard Pat Verbeek was in the Rangers box watching the game tonight. Trade coming with the Ducks?
  11. I'm defensive because I disagree with you? LOL. Ok....go sit in your safe space for a while.
  12. Anyone with a long reach SHOULD use it to win a fight. But I'm not saying he is a great fighter, but I am saying he did a nice job against two very tough and experienced NHL heavyweights in Martin and Deslauries, so he isn't just a chucker as you called him.
  13. Cant fight? Because he lost a fight to a good fighter? Matt Martin is a good hockey fighter and Nic Deslauriers is a very good hockey fighter and he did really well against both of them beating them both, so I think he is more than a "chucker". And Olivias face was bleeding after that fight as well, so not like he didn't take some punches himself. Rempe's face is so beat up because he has taken punches from 3 very tough customers in a short period of time. But, I agree he needs to protect himself better if he is going to fight NHL enforcers for a living. Hopefully he comes to play hockey first and only drop the gloves when its needed, to protect himself or a teammate.
  14. I think Lindy would be happy to take $22.5 million over 5 years to remain in NYC with his best buddy Fox.
  15. Rempe and Edstrom should keep playing a physical, north/south game like they have. Rempe has been looking to make a reputation for himself but maybe he should play hockey first and fight when and if he needs to instead of looking for fights at the drop of a puck. I get why he has been doing it but he should focus on playing hockey first.
  16. Fox has 5 years on his deal so this term for Lindy makes sense. Keep them paired up for 5 more years.
  17. Columbus came out with more energy but Rangers work up late in the period. Rempe took the L but got in few nice shots and drew blood too, so not like he got his ass beat. He's a tough kid and looks fine, just some bumps and bruises. Nobody wins every fight.
  18. This is a trap game. Going back to back for a team record vs a bottom feeding team. Rangers need to be focused from the drop of the puck and give it full effort for all 60 minutes.
  19. The kid played just over 5 mins and managed to smack around one of the toughest goons in the league, get two hits and score the game winning goal. I think after the way he handed Martin and now Deslauriers, other cement heads around the league are going to think twice before getting in his crosshairs. That can only open up some ice for our skill guys, and that's why they need to keep him with the club and dressing every game. Sit Edstrom before Rempe. Ideally play them both but if its a choice, Rempe needs to dress.
  20. Rempe with the game winner, gotta love it. Just keep letting this team play as is Drury, don't fuck it up with trades please.
  21. Rempe did what he had to do when he got challenged, in warm ups no less. Deslauriers is in the NHL for one purpose, to hit people, intimidate players and fight, and he is good at that, so good on Rempe for trading right hands with him and giving him some nice welts and nicks on his ugly mug. The kid is a breath of fresh air in my opinion and he needs to stay put the rest of the year and playoffs if the Rangers want to have a shot at the cup.
  22. I'm not sure what the risk is with Brodzinski. He is not a flashy player, or overly physical, I will give you that, but the kid hustles every shift, backchecks his ass off, is reliable defensively, wins 53% of his faceoffs and is chipping in about 0.40 points per game. Plus, this is the best Kakko has looked all year skating on his right wing. He's doesn't have the talent of a Chytil, but he has been a solid 3C since he got the job. Cuylee/Brodzinki/Kakko line has been good almost every game and I think they are possessing the puck well and out chancing other teams consistently, so I see no risk at all with keeping them together.
  23. I just hope Rempe lasts longer than 13 seconds today! They need him all game to counter the Flyers thugs.
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