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History Channel


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They used to be the best channel but have gone to shit now. Endless speculative shows on UFO's, Nostradamus, the Mayan's, and the end of the world have almost made them comical. The shows are interesting but they don't belong on the HISTORY Channel. They should have stuck to Nazi's.
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I find the irony of the channel delicious.


It's the History Channel, yet it seems utterly fixated on religious propaganda concerning the future end of the world, and if not that, apparently "History" only happened from 1933-1945 in Germany


They did put out some good Civil War stuff in the early 2000's. Civil War Journal was the name of the show I think. But that's about it.

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Might just be the greatest channel ever conceived.




Watching a documentary special right now on "Underwater Universe". Shit is the ill nana.


I absolutely love documentaries, the history channel has alot of crap on it though that is lame. If you want to watch a good documentary check out Bloodline. It's on Netflix

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American Top Gear is on the channel, but its not good yet. I'll tune in in a season or two once they get good, like the original did.


Agreed. Top Gear on BBC is beyond brilliant, it's among the best tv shows ever for me, but the American one... sucks, so far, they are on the right path to getting better.

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Agreed. Top Gear on BBC is beyond brilliant, it's among the best tv shows ever for me, but the American one... sucks, so far, they are on the right path to getting better.


yeah the British version took a few seasons to get to what they have now. I have faith that if History keeps it long enough that the American show will do the same

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I despise Larry the Cable Guy's show. I don't know why that man is on TV. Other than that, I could watch the History Channel all day. Modern Marvels is fantastic.


You should read David Cross' book "I drink for a reason." Hilarious book and he has one whole chapter dedicated to Larry the Cable Guy. I cried reading it.

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