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Everything posted by Niagaraiceman

  1. 1 House 293 293 2 I told you Vegas Would Go To The Finals Last Year 211 211 3 Fletch 121 121 4 Joshua.1 120 120 5 Travis Bickle 98 98 - Jason.1 98 98 6 NiagaraIceMan 96 96 7 rmc51 64 64 8 Eric.5 61 61 - phillyb™ 61 61 9 No Sashty 58 58 10 G1000 36 36 - Parsley 36 36 11 "Jeffrey ".1 33 33 12 ray_olkPS 26 26 13 RodGab 20 20 14 phi_dYf9e 13 13
  2. 1 House 193 293 2 Fletch 121 121 3 Joshua.1 120 120 4 I told you Vegas Would Go To The Finals Last Year 111 211 5 Travis Bickle 98 98 - Jason.1 98 98 6 NiagaraIceMan 96 96 7 rmc51 64 64 8 Eric.5 61 61 - phillyb™ 61 61 9 No Sashty 58 58 10 G1000 36 36 - Parsley 36 36 11 "Jeffrey ".1 33 33 12 ray_olkPS 26 26 13 RodGab 20 20 14 phi_dYf9e 13 13
  3. 3mbps is the cap of your current connection. Like I said, I don't know if DSL speeds will go any faster now a days, you would have to call verizon.
  4. If they offer anything faster, then yes you would have to pay more. Aim in the area of 10-15mpbs and I think you will be fine.They aren't shafting you because that is the plan your parents picked. In my area, you can't buy DSL any higher than 3MBPS a second from Verizon. Most likely because it is antiquated and will eventually be phased out by fiber.
  5. If it is a 3 in 1 that is/was 99 dollars a month, with phone, direct TV and Verizon DSL Internet, you are paying for a low speed connection. The top speed on that package is 3mbps a second. If you were to put an equivalent, it would be like a time warner customer getting Road Runner Lite.
  6. Your rescue dog looks like my rescue dog when we first got him 5 years ago. Beautiful puppy! Love yellow labs
  7. I hate nepotism. I have been trying to get a full time gig at my community college for a while now, and every. single. time., someone's kid or a friend of a friend gets the position. I just found out that a position I applied for (which was supposed to go to a current employee only), went to a part-time clerical person's daughter who has never worked at the college. The worst part was that it was a position that involved reworking educational theory and practices within the college, and they gave it to someone with a Bachelors in psychology. I'm not knocking her credentials or anything, but you would think that someone with a Masters degree in education would at least get an interview.
  8. All you needed to do to figure that out is go to Topix.com Now that's a sewer....
  9. I do the same thing, except, for the winter. I can live with just a box fan in my window at night (heat doesn't really bother me). I pay like 300 bucks a month to build up a bank for the winter's heating expenses. When I don't use my central air, my utility bill is like 50 bucks a month, but turn that sucker up and it spikes to like 400.
  10. You aren't helping any by listing it, but you are right, you should have it on there. Nothing worse then going to an interview and finding out that you can't take the job because of your other job: plus you just wasted your own time
  11. Actually, a pretty solid choice. My Brother-in-law got us customized pocket knives. Very handy when restringing a hockey net
  12. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50514_226461823973_771646_n.jpg The open bar is probably stocked with this
  13. I teach job skills, how to play nice with others, how to talk in front of groups of people, written communication, reading comprehension and critical analysis. 99.9 of my students are never going to take another history class again, 75% are going into some kind of vocation (mostly nursing or something medical related) and the rest are just getting their survey classes out of the way. My mentality is, content is only a tool, if they learn something in my class great, but I am also not going to be a prick. It won't get me anywhere, add aggravation, and lead me to poor reviews, which equals not being hired back lol
  14. You have to be an idiot to fail my class, and lazy to not get an A
  15. Well, Final grades are submitted, my learning center is closed, and I am officially unemployed for the next 4 months... Damn my career choices!
  16. I told her she was banned, or she would need to sign a waiver. She said, gimme them, I'm not raising no wuss
  17. I went into my local chinese restaurant today, and the owners were literally pouring that on their noodles for their lunch.
  18. I don't know how you guys do it, I like heat, but I like flavor too
  19. They are awesome, but I think you would probably need fresh habenero in it to be effective
  20. Good point, I removed more seeds than I had to. I think it's gonna bite though.
  21. So, I just got done making my specialty dish for my sister-in-laws baby shower. They are called East Utica Greens. Is it a bad thing that I put in extra, hot peppers for 20 people, including about 10 in-laws?
  22. Next time, Email it anyway, even if they don't accept emailed assignments. The reason being, if you ever need to file a grade appeal, your family emergency would qualify for extenuating circumstances. You emailed it before the due date, and any reasonable person should see that you aren't bsing. Plus, on the grade appeal, that would be evidence in your favor.
  23. Right, It sounds like you just got a bad shake from a burnt out instructor. You did everything right, and did not warrant a snide response. I was just trying to give you reasoning behind the rudeness. I don't understand my colleagues, especially at a school where teaching is a bulk of the work (instead of research, etc.). It is almost like they want to be pricks.
  24. Pretty much my theory as well. Creasecrusader, did you email your instructor on a Friday? Or was it during the week? Most of my colleagues will, for their own sanity, disconnect from their email on the weekend. Then you also have the idea of what a timely manner is. For me, it is 24 hours, other instructors I know feel that a week is acceptable
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