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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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general employment question...

this may sound obvious but am I hurting my chances for getting a part-time job (or at least an interview) by listing the weekend job I currently have on my application? I feel like I am required to list it though...


You aren't helping any by listing it, but you are right, you should have it on there. Nothing worse then going to an interview and finding out that you can't take the job because of your other job: plus you just wasted your own time

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What is this job ?


the one I have or the one I am trying to get? The one I have now is the catering job that I only do on weekends. Monday-Friday I just sit on my ass when I could be working, but I feel no one is hiring/calling because I work one weekend day per week. Theres no place on applications to explain that though

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Phil strikes me as the type of guy who roughs it with all these survival tools and wears camo while cutting shit up with his various knives but than stops to pull out a laptop with his G4 card to get internet access in the middle of the boon docks and sips like almond milk or soy milk from an eco friendly thermos or some shit...
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Phil strikes me as the type of guy who roughs it with all these survival tools and wears camo while cutting shit up with his various knives but than stops to pull out a laptop with his G4 card to get internet access in the middle of the boon docks and sips like almond milk or soy milk from an eco friendly thermos or some shit...



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Phil strikes me as the type of guy who roughs it with all these survival tools and wears camo while cutting shit up with his various knives but than stops to pull out a laptop with his G4 card to get internet access in the middle of the boon docks and sips like almond milk or soy milk from an eco friendly thermos or some shit...


Gross, never. I drink real milk... out of a sippy cup.

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During the summer I work for my uncles party rental company setting up big ass tents and doing other things, and the leatherman is so fucking useful. One of the best $80 I've ever spent


Yup. Guys like Nik who never have to use their hands for anything other than opening the occasional pickle jar can gab all they like about the "oddity" of owning and carrying tools like these, but everyone i've ever convinced to buy one has never left home without it — especially if they work in an industry that requires them to do things like that.


I use it every weekend working with my dad, and bring it home with me every weekend I head home to help him with the house renovations he's doing. Car repairs, any sort of fixes around the house, etc. etc. They're useful everywhere.

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Just woke up after getting discharged from the hospital. Caught some kind of stomach virus and had some of the worst throwing up spells I've ever had. Nothing was in my belly either so it hurt that much more. I'd never wish that kind of sickness on anyone. :(


Ugh! Poor Chap! :( Feel better soon!

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